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There are 19 words containing 2C, 2F and 3I

FELICIFICfelicific adj. (Rare, chiefly philosophy) Of, pertaining to, or producing pleasure or happiness.
FELICIFIC adj. producing happiness.
EFFICACITIESefficacities n. Plural of efficacity.
EFFICACITY n. the state of being efficacious.
EFFICIENCIESefficiencies n. Plural of efficiency.
EFFICIENCY n. the quality of being efficient, also EFFICIENCE.
INEFFICACIESinefficacies n. Plural of inefficacy.
INEFFICACY n. lack of power to produce a desired effect, also INEFFICACITY.
INEFFICACITYINEFFICACITY n. lack of power to produce a desired effect, also INEFFICACY.
INEFFICIENCYinefficiency n. Lack of efficiency or effectiveness.
INEFFICIENCY n. the state of being inefficient.
INEFFICACIOUSinefficacious adj. Incapable of having the intended consequence.
inefficacious adj. Not effective.
INEFFICACIOUS adj. lacking the power to produce a desired effect.
INFRASPECIFICinfraspecific adj. (Taxonomy) pertaining to a taxon at a rank lower than species, such as subspecies (in certain kingdoms…
INFRASPECIFIC adj. of taxonomic divisions of a lower rank than species.
INSUFFICIENCEinsufficience n. Obsolete form of insufficiency.
INSUFFICIENCE n. the state of being insufficient, also INSUFFICIENCY.
INSUFFICIENCYinsufficiency n. The lack of sufficiency; a shortage or inadequacy.
INSUFFICIENCY n. the state of being insufficient, also INSUFFICIENCE.
SUFFICIENCIESsufficiencies n. Plural of sufficiency.
SUFFICIENCY n. the state of being sufficient, also SUFFICIENCE.
FRUCTIFICATIONfructification n. (Botany) The act of forming or producing fruit; the act of fructifying, or rendering productive of fruit; fecundation.
fructification n. (Botany) The collective organs by which a plant produces its fruit, or seeds, or reproductive spores.
FRUCTIFICATION n. the reproductive organs or fruit of a plant.
INEFFICACITIESINEFFICACITY n. lack of power to produce a desired effect, also INEFFICACY.
INEFFICIENCIESinefficiencies n. Plural of inefficiency.
INEFFICIENCY n. the state of being inefficient.
INSUFFICIENCESINSUFFICIENCE n. the state of being insufficient, also INSUFFICIENCY.
FRENCHIFICATIONFrenchification n. The act or process of making French or more French-like, especially in informal contexts.
Frenchification n. (Slang) Something that has undergone frenchification, something that has frenchified and made more French-like.
Frenchification n. Synonym of Gallicization, translation into French or a French translation.
FRUCTIFICATIONSfructifications n. Plural of fructification.
FRUCTIFICATION n. the reproductive organs or fruit of a plant.
INEFFICACIOUSLYinefficaciously adv. Without efficacy or effect.
INEFFICACIOUS adv. lacking the power to produce a desired effect.
INSUFFICIENCIESinsufficiencies n. Plural of insufficiency.
INSUFFICIENCY n. the state of being insufficient, also INSUFFICIENCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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