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There are 16 words containing 2C, E, 2R, S and W

CARRIWITCHETScarriwitchets n. Plural of carriwitchet.
CARRIWITCHET n. (Scots) a teasing quibble; a quip.
CHURCHWARDENSchurchwardens n. Plural of churchwarden.
CHURCHWARDEN n. one of two lay parish officers in Anglican churches with responsibility esp. for parish property and alms.
CLAPPERCLAWERSCLAPPERCLAWER n. one who scolds, abuses.
CORKSCREWcorkscrew n. An implement for opening bottles that are sealed by a cork. Sometimes specifically such an implement…
corkscrew n. The screw-shaped worm of a typical corkscrew.
corkscrew n. (Boxing, martial arts) A type of sharp, twisting punch, often one thrown close and from the side.
CORKSCREWEDcorkscrewed v. Simple past tense and past participle of corkscrew.
CORKSCREW v. to twist from side to side.
CORKSCREWINGcorkscrewing v. Present participle of corkscrew.
corkscrewing n. A winding, twisting motion.
CORKSCREW v. to twist from side to side.
CORKSCREWScorkscrews n. Plural of corkscrew.
corkscrews v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of corkscrew.
CORKSCREW v. to twist from side to side.
CRACKLEWAREScracklewares n. Plural of crackleware.
CRACKLEWARE n. pottery with a crackled glaze.
CROWDSOURCEcrowdsource v. To delegate a task to a large, diffuse group.
crowd-source v. Alternative form of crowdsource.
CROWDSOURCE v. to outsource work to an unspecified group of people, typically by making an appeal to the general public on the internet.
CROWDSOURCEDcrowdsourced adj. Obtained by crowdsourcing.
crowdsourced v. Simple past tense and past participle of crowdsource.
CROWDSOURCE v. to outsource work to an unspecified group of people, typically by making an appeal to the general public on the internet.
CROWDSOURCEScrowdsources v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of crowdsource.
CROWDSOURCE v. to outsource work to an unspecified group of people, typically by making an appeal to the general public on the internet.
SCARECROWscarecrow n. An effigy, typically made of straw and dressed in old clothes, fixed to a pole in a field to deter birds…
scarecrow n. (By extension, derogatory) A person regarded as resembling a scarecrow (sense 1) in some way; especially…
scarecrow n. (Dated) Synonym of crow scarer (“a farmhand employed to scare birds from the fields”).
SCARECROWSscarecrows n. Plural of scarecrow.
scarecrows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of scarecrow.
scare-crows n. Plural of scare-crow.
SCHWARMERISCHSCHWARMERISCH adj. (German) showing schwarmerei, excessive or unwholesome sentiment.
WISECRACKERwisecracker n. A person who makes wisecrack remarks; a smart aleck.
WISECRACKER n. one who wisecracks.
WISECRACKERSwisecrackers n. Plural of wisecracker.
WISECRACKER n. one who wisecracks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 264 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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