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There are 17 words containing 2C, 2E, G, N and P

ACCEPTINGNESSacceptingness n. The ability or desire to accept.
ACCEPTINGNESS n. the state of being accepting.
ACCEPTINGNESSESACCEPTINGNESS n. the state of being accepting.
PRECANCELINGprecanceling v. Present participle of precancel.
PRECANCEL v. to cancel in advance.
PRECANCELLINGprecancelling v. Present participle of precancel.
PRECANCEL v. to cancel in advance.
PRECHECKINGprechecking v. Present participle of precheck.
PRECHECK v. to check beforehand.
PRECOGNOSCEprecognosce v. (Law, Scotland, transitive) To examine (e.g. witnesses or evidence) beforehand.
PRECOGNOSCE v. to take a precognition of.
PRECOGNOSCEDprecognosced v. Simple past tense and past participle of precognosce.
PRECOGNOSCE v. to take a precognition of.
PRECOGNOSCESprecognosces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of precognosce.
PRECOGNOSCE v. to take a precognition of.
PRECONCEITINGPRECONCEIT v. (obsolete) to preconceive; to form a preconceit or preconception.
PRECONCEIVINGpreconceiving v. Present participle of preconceive.
PRECONCEIVE v. to form (as an opinion) prior to actual knowledge or experience.
PRECONCERTINGpreconcerting v. Present participle of preconcert.
PRECONCERT v. to settle beforehand.
PSYCHOGENETICpsychogenetic adj. Of or pertaining to psychogenesis.
PSYCHOGENETIC adj. relating to psychogenesis, the origin and development of the mind, also PSYCHOGENETICAL.
PSYCHOGENETICALPSYCHOGENETICAL adj. relating to psychogenesis, the origin and development of the mind, also PSYCHOGENETIC.
PSYCHOGENETICSpsychogenetics n. (Medicine) The branch of psychiatry or genetics that studies the effect of genetic inheritance on mental illness.
PSYCHOGENETICS n. the study of internal or mental states.
REACCEPTINGreaccepting v. Present participle of reaccept.
REACCEPT v. to accept again.
ROENTGENOSCOPICROENTGENOSCOPIC adj. relating to use of the roentgenoscope.
SPELLCHECKINGspellchecking v. Present participle of spellcheck.
spell-checking v. Present participle of spell-check.
spell␣checking v. Present participle of spell check.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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