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There are 18 words containing 3C, 2O, P and Y

CACOPHONICALLYcacophonically adv. In a cacophonous manner; in a manner that produces harsh, unpleasant or discordant sounds.
COLPOSCOPICALLYcolposcopically adv. With a colposcope; upon colposcopy.
COLPOSCOPICAL adv. relating to colposcopy.
CRYOSCOPICcryoscopic adj. (Chemistry, physics) of or pertaining to cryoscopy; determined using a cryoscope.
CRYOSCOPIC adj. relating to cryoscopy.
CRYPTOCOCCALcryptococcal adj. (Pathology) Of or pertaining to cryptococcus fungi or cryptococcosis.
CRYPTOCOCCAL adj. of or like a cryptococcus.
CRYPTOCOCCIcryptococci n. Plural of cryptococcus.
CRYPTOCOCCUS n. any of a genus of budding imperfect fungi that resemble yeasts and include a number of saprophytes and a few serious pathogens.
CRYPTOCOCCOSEScryptococcoses n. Plural of cryptococcosis.
CRYPTOCOCCOSIS n. a fungal disease.
CRYPTOCOCCOSIScryptococcosis n. (Pathology) A serious and potentially fatal fungal disease caused by members of the Cryptococcus neoformans…
CRYPTOCOCCOSIS n. a fungal disease.
CRYPTOCOCCUScryptococcus n. Any soil fungus of the genus Cryptococcus, some of which are pathogenic.
Cryptococcus prop.n. Principally soil-dwelling yeast fungi, but certain species cause cryptococcosis or meningitis in mammals…
Cryptococcus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Eriococcidae – certain scale insects, soft scale, some of which…
CYSTOSCOPICcystoscopic adj. Relating to, or using cystoscopy.
CYSTOSCOPIC adj. relating to a cystoscope.
MACROSCOPICALLYmacroscopically adv. In a macroscopic manner or context.
MACROSCOPIC adv. large enough to be visible to the unaided eye.
MICROSCOPICALLYmicroscopically adv. In a microscopic manner.
microscopically adv. To a microscopic extent.
MICROSCOPICAL adv. able to be seen only though a microscope, also MICROSCOPIC.
PSYCHOACOUSTICpsychoacoustic adj. Of or pertaining to psychoacoustics.
PSYCHOACOUSTIC adj. relating to psychoacoustics.
PSYCHOACOUSTICSpsychoacoustics n. The scientific study of all the psychological interactions between humans and the world of sound; includes…
PSYCHOACOUSTICS n. a branch of science dealing with the perception of sound, the sensations produced by sounds, and the problems of communication.
PTOCHOCRACYptochocracy n. A society or a system ruled and dominated by the poor.
PTOCHOCRACY n. government by the poor.
STAPHYLOCOCCALstaphylococcal adj. Relating to staphylococcus.
STAPHYLOCOCCAL adj. relating to staphylococci.
STAPHYLOCOCCIstaphylococci n. Plural of staphylococcus.
STAPHYLOCOCCUS n. a bacteria causing infection in wounds etc.
STAPHYLOCOCCICstaphylococcic adj. Relating to staphylococcus.
STAPHYLOCOCCIC adj. relating to staphylococci.
STAPHYLOCOCCUSstaphylococcus n. A spherical gram-positive parasitic bacterium of the genus Staphylococcus, causing blisters, septicemia…
Staphylococcus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Staphylococcaceae – the staphylococcus bacteria.
STAPHYLOCOCCUS n. a bacteria causing infection in wounds etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 345 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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