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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing C, 2L, 2O, R and T

ALLOCATORallocator n. One who, or that which, allocates.
allocator n. (Computing) A utility that allocates and deallocates a dynamic resource (usually memory).
ALLOCATOR n. one who allocates.
COLLATORScollators n. Plural of collator.
COLLATOR n. one who collates manuscripts, books, etc.
COLLECTORcollector n. A person who or thing that collects, or which creates or manages a collection.
collector n. A person who is employed to collect payments.
collector n. (Electronics) The amplified terminal on a bipolar junction transistor.
COLOSTRALcolostral adj. Relating to colostrum.
COLOSTRAL adj. relating to colostrum, also COLOSTRIC, COLOSTROUS.
COMPTROLLcomptroll n. Archaic form of control.
comptroll v. Archaic form of control.
COMPTROLL v. (obsolete) to control, esp. in a financial sense, also CONTROL, CONTROUL, COUNTROL.
COROLLATEcorollate adj. Having or resembling a corolla.
COROLLATE adj. having a corolla, the collective name for all the petals of a flower.
PRACTOLOLpractolol n. A beta blocker formerly used in the emergency treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, but withdrawn due to toxicity.
PRACTOLOL n. a drug formerly used to treat cardiac arrhythmia.
ULTRACOOLultracool adj. Extremely cool.
ULTRACOOL adj. very very cool.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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