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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing C, I, N, 2O, S and U

COHOUSINGcohousing n. Housing in which the residents’ private space is supplemented by communal facilities such as a shared…
COHOUSING n. a type of housing with some shared facilities.
COLLUSIONcollusion n. A secret agreement for an illegal purpose; conspiracy.
COLLUSION n. a secret agreement to deceive, e.g. one made between the opposing parties in a lawsuit.
CONFUSIONconfusion n. A lack of clarity or order.
confusion n. The state of being confused; misunderstanding.
confusion n. The act of mistaking one thing for another or conflating distinct things.
CONSCIOUSconscious adj. Alert, awake; with one’s mental faculties active.
conscious adj. Aware of one’s own existence; aware of one’s own awareness.
conscious adj. Aware of, sensitive to; observing and noticing, or being strongly interested in or concerned about.
CONTINUOScontinuos n. Plural of continuo.
CONTINUO n. (Italian) the bass part as written for a keyboard instrument.
CONTUSIONcontusion n. (Medicine, countable) Synonym of bruise.
contusion n. (Medicine, uncountable) Synonym of bruising.
CONTUSION n. a bruise.
CORONIUMSCORONIUM n. the name given to a hypothetical element in the sun's corona showing spectral lines now known to be due to iron and nickel that have lost large numbers of electrons.
INNOCUOUSinnocuous adj. Harmless; producing no ill effect.
innocuous adj. Inoffensive; unprovocative; unexceptionable.
INNOCUOUS adj. harmless.
LOCUTIONSlocutions n. Plural of locution.
LOCUTION n. a style of speech, idiom.
MONECIOUSmonecious adj. Alternative form of monoecious.
MONECIOUS adj. having separate male and female flowers on the same plant, also MONECIAN, MONOECIOUS, MONOICOUS.
MONOICOUSmonoicous adj. Alternative form of monoecious.
MONOICOUS adj. having separate male and female flowers on the same plant, also MONECIAN, MONECIOUS, MONOECIOUS.
NOCTUOIDSnoctuoids n. Plural of noctuoid.
NOCTUOID n. one of a family of night-flying moths.
OCCLUSIONocclusion n. The process of occluding, or something that occludes.
occlusion n. (Medicine) Anything that obstructs or closes a vessel or canal.
occlusion n. (Medicine, dentistry) The alignment of the teeth when upper and lower jaws are brought together.
ONCOVIRUSoncovirus n. A virus that can cause cancer.
ONCOVIRUS n. a virus causing cancer.
SYNOICOUSsynoicous adj. (Botany) synoecious.
SYNOICOUS adj. having antheridia and archegonia in the same group, also SYNOECIOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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