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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing C, F, 2O, R, S and T

COFACTORScofactors n. Plural of cofactor.
COFACTOR n. a molecule or ion which works with an enzyme.
COLORFASTcolorfast adj. Having colors that have been dyed or applied to the material in a way that will prevent them from being…
COLORFAST adj. having colours that retain their original hue without running or fading, also COLOURFAST.
CONFRONTSconfronts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of confront.
CONFRONT v. to face defiantly.
CORNLOFTScornlofts n. Plural of cornloft.
CORNLOFT n. a loft for corn; a granary.
CROWFOOTScrowfoots n. Plural of crowfoot.
CROWFOOT n. a wild flower, aka buttercup or spearwort.
CROWSFOOTcrowsfoot n. Alternative form of crow’s foot.
crow's-foot n. Alternative spelling of crow’s foot.
crow's␣foot n. (Usually in the plural) A small wrinkle in the corner of an eye, emblematic of aging.
FOOTRACESfootraces n. Plural of footrace.
foot␣races n. Plural of foot race.
FOOTRACE n. a race run on foot.
FORCEOUTSforceouts n. Plural of forceout; alternative spelling of force outs.
force-outs n. Plural of force-out; alternative spelling of force outs.
force␣outs n. Plural of force out.
SOFTCOVERsoftcover adj. (Publishing, of a book) Having covers made of paper or thin cardboard; paperback.
softcover n. (Publishing) A book having such covers.
SOFTCOVER n. a paperback book.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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