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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing C, F, I, N, O, R and S

COFIRINGSCOFIRING n. the combustion of two different types of materials at the same time.
CONFIDERSconfiders n. Plural of confider.
CONFIDER n. one who confides.
CONFINERSconfiners n. Plural of confiner.
CONFINER n. one who, or that which, limits or restrains.
CONFISEURconfiseur n. A French confectioner.
CONFISEUR n. (French) a confectioner.
CORNFLIESCORNFLY n. the goutfly.
CORNIFIEScornifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cornify.
CORNIFY v. to form keratin.
CROFTINGScroftings n. Plural of crofting.
CROFTING n. the system of land tenure by crofters.
CUNIFORMScuniforms n. Plural of cuniform.
CUNIFORM n. a wedge-shaped script, also CUNEIFORM.
FORENSICSforensics n. The study of formal debate; rhetoric.
forensics n. Forensic science.
FORENSICS n. the art or study of public debate.
FRACTIONSfractions n. Plural of fraction.
fractions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fraction.
FRACTION v. to divide into portions.
FRESCOINGfrescoing v. Present participle of fresco.
frescoing n. A fresco.
FRESCOING n. the act of painting on fresh moist plaster.
FRICTIONSfrictions n. Plural of friction.
FRICTION n. the rubbing of two bodies together.
FROCKINGSfrockings n. Plural of frocking.
FROCKING n. cloth suitable for frocks.
INFECTORSinfectors n. Plural of infector.
INFECTOR n. one that infects, also INFECTER.
ROSEFINCHrosefinch n. Any of the birds in the genus Carpodacus of the finch family.
ROSEFINCH n. any of various finches found in Europe and Asia, the males more or less covered with red or pink plumage.
UNCIFORMSunciforms n. Plural of unciform.
UNCIFORM n. a bone of the wrist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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