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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing C, E, H, O, 2R and T

CARTHORSEcarthorse n. A large, strong horse used for pulling heavy loads.
CARTHORSE n. a horse used to draw a cart.
CHIROPTERchiropter n. A member of the order Chiroptera, a bat.
CHIROPTER n. a type of bat.
CHORISTERchorister n. A singer in a choir.
chorister n. A director or leader of a choral group.
CHORISTER n. a member of a choir, also CHORALIST, CHORIST, QUIRISTER.
CHORTLERSchortlers n. Plural of chortler.
CHORTLER n. one who chortles.
COHERITORcoheritor n. One of several who are heritors to an estate.
COHERITOR n. a joint heir, also COHEIR.
CROCHETERcrocheter n. One who crochets.
CROCHETER n. one who crochets.
HECTORERShectorers n. Plural of hectorer.
HECTORER n. one who hectors.
HIEROCRAThierocrat n. A ruler in a hierocracy (government by priests).
hierocrat n. (Chiefly historical) A supporter of hierocracy (any sense).
HIEROCRAT n. a governing priest.
ORCHESTRAorchestra n. (Music) A large group of musicians who play together on various instruments, usually including some…
orchestra n. A semicircular space in front of the stage used by the chorus in Ancient Greek and Hellenistic theatres.
orchestra n. The area in a theatre or concert hall where the musicians sit, immediately in front of and below the…
PETRICHORpetrichor n. The distinctive scent, caused by geosmin, which accompanies the first rain after a long, warm, dry spell.
petrichor n. The yellow organic oil that yields this scent.
PETRICHOR n. a sweet smell that is produced when rain falls on parched earth.
RETOUCHERretoucher n. One who retouches.
RETOUCHER n. one who retouches.
RHETORICSrhetorics n. Plural of rhetoric.
RHETORIC n. the study of effective speech and writing.
TORCHEREStorchères n. Plural of torchère.
TORCHERE n. (French) a tall ornamental candlestick or lampstand.
TORCHIEREtorchiere n. A floor lamp with a bowl on top for reflecting light upwards.
torchiere n. A large ornamental candelabrum.
torchière n. Alternative form of torchiere.
TORCHIERStorchiers n. Plural of torchier.
TORCHIER n. (French) a floor lamp with bowl for reflecting light upwards, also TORCHIERE.
TREACHOURtreachour n. Obsolete spelling of treacher (“traitor”).
TREACHOUR n. (obsolete) a traitor, also TREACHER, TREACHERER.
TRICHROMEtrichrome adj. Trichromatic (involving three colours).
trichrome adj. (Cytology, of a stain) Staining three different tissues three different colours.
trichrome n. (Cytology) A combined stain that stains three different tissues three different colours.
TROCHLEARtrochlear adj. (Anatomy) Shaped like, or resembling, a pulley; related to, or connected with, a trochlea.
trochlear adj. (Neuroanatomy) Of or pertaining to the trochlear nerve.
trochlear n. (Anatomy, neuroanatomy) A trochlear muscle or nerve.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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