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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing C, E, H, N, O, P and T

BENCHTOPSbenchtops n. Plural of benchtop.
BENCHTOP n. a flat surface area to work on.
CENOTAPHScenotaphs n. Plural of cenotaph.
CENOTAPH n. a tomb or monument erected in honor of a person whose body is elsewhere.
NEOPHYTICneophytic adj. (Biology) Being or relating to a neophyte.
NEOPHYTIC adj. of or like a neophyte, a person who is new to a subject.
NEPHROTICnephrotic adj. Pertaining to, resembling or caused by nephrosis.
nephrotic n. An individual who has nephrosis (but see people-first language).
NEPHROTIC adj. of or like nephrosis, a disease of the kidneys.
PHONETICSphonetics n. (Linguistics) The study of the physical sounds of human speech, concerned with the physical properties…
PHONETICS n. the branch of linguistics that deals with pronunciation and speech production, also PHONICS.
PUTCHEONSputcheons n. Plural of putcheon.
PUTCHEON n. a wire trap for catching salmon, also PUTCHER.
TECHNOPOPtechnopop n. (Music) An early synthpop genre with a cold, robotic sound.
TECHNOPOP n. pop music featuring synthesisers and other technological equipment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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