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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing C, E, H, L, R, S and U

ARCHLUTESarchlutes n. Plural of archlute.
arch-lutes n. Plural of arch-lute.
ARCHLUTE n. a large double-necked bass lute.
CHUCKLERSchucklers n. Plural of chuckler.
CHUCKLER n. one who chuckles.
CRUSHABLEcrushable adj. That can be crushed.
crushable adj. (Informal) On whom one may form a crush, or romantic attachment.
crushable adj. (Informal, of beer) Easy-drinking or sessionable.
HOUSECARLhousecarl n. (Historical) A member of the Scandinavian royal household troops.
HOUSECARL n. (Old English) a household retainer of an Anglo-Saxon leader.
LAUNCHERSlaunchers n. Plural of launcher.
LAUNCHER n. a launching device.
LEACHOURSleachours n. Plural of leachour.
LEACHOUR n. (Spenser) a lecher.
LECHEROUSlecherous adj. Given to excessive sexual activity and debauchery.
LECHEROUS adj. lustful.
RUGELACHSRUGELACH n. (Yiddish) in Jewish cooking, a small crescent-shaped pastry filled with fruit, nuts etc., also RUGALACH, RUGGELACH.
SCHEDULARschedular adj. Relating to a schedule.
SCHEDULAR adj. of or like a schedule.
SCHEDULERscheduler n. A person or device that determines a schedule, that determines the order that tasks are to be done.
scheduler n. (Computer science) An operating system component responsible for allocating several resources, most…
SCHEDULER n. one who schedules.
SEPULCHERsepulcher n. (North America) Alternative form of sepulchre.
sepulcher v. (North America) Alternative form of sepulchre.
SEPULCHER n. a receptacle in an altar for holding religious relics.
SEPULCHREsepulchre n. A burial chamber.
sepulchre n. (Christianity, historical) A recess in some early churches in which the reserved sacrament, etc. was…
sepulchre v. (Transitive) To place in a sepulchre.
SLOUCHERSslouchers n. Plural of sloucher.
SLOUCHER n. one who slouches.
SLOUCHIERslouchier adj. Comparative form of slouchy: more slouchy.
SLOUCHY adj. slouching.
SLUTCHIERSLUTCHY adj. (English dialect) muddy.
SPRAUCHLEsprauchle v. (Scotland, intransitive) To move in a clumsy manner; to stumble or sprawl; to clamber up with difficulty.
sprauchle n. (Scotland) An awkward or struggling movement; stumble.
SPRAUCHLE v. (Scots) to clamber, also SPRACKLE.
SQUELCHERsquelcher n. One who, or that which, squelches.
SQUELCHER n. an overwhelming blow, retort etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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