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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing C, 2E, 2I, N and V

DECEIVINGdeceiving v. Present participle of deceive.
deceiving n. Deception.
DECEIVING adj. deceptive.
EVINCIBLEevincible adj. Capable of being proved or clearly brought to light; demonstrable.
EVINCIBLE adj. capable of being evinced.
INCENTIVEincentive n. Something that motivates, rouses, or encourages.
incentive n. A bonus or reward, often monetary, to work harder.
incentive adj. Inciting; encouraging or moving; rousing to action; stimulating.
INCEPTIVEinceptive adj. Beginning; of or relating to inception.
inceptive adj. (Grammar) Aspectually inflected to show that the action is beginning.
inceptive n. (Grammar) An inceptive construction.
INFECTIVEinfective adj. Able to cause infection; infectious.
infective n. (Epidemiology) A person who is capable of spreading a disease by infecting others.
INFECTIVE adj. infectious.
INJECTIVEinjective adj. (Mathematics) of, relating to, or being an injection: such that each element of the image (or range)…
INJECTIVE adj. being a one to one mathematical function.
INVECTIVEinvective n. An expression which inveighs or rails against a person.
invective n. A severe or violent censure or reproach.
invective n. Something spoken or written, intended to cast shame, disgrace, censure, or reproach on another.
RECEIVINGreceiving v. Present participle of receive.
receiving n. The act by which something is received; reception.
RECEIVING n. the act of receiving.
VICEREINEvicereine n. The wife of a viceroy.
vicereine n. A woman who is a viceroy.
vice-reine n. Alternative form of vicereine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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