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There are 17 nine-letter words containing C, 2E, H, I, P and S

CHELIPEDSchelipeds n. Plural of cheliped.
CHELIPED n. one of the pair of legs carrying the chelae (claws) in arthropods.
CIPHERERScipherers n. Plural of cipherer.
CIPHERER n. one who ciphers.
CLIPSHEETclipsheet n. A sheet of news, features, and similar material distributed to newspaper publishers for convenient inclusion…
CLIPSHEET n. a sheet clipped on to a clipboard.
DECIPHERSdeciphers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of decipher.
DECIPHER v. to interpret from the unknown.
ENCIPHERSenciphers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of encipher.
ENCIPHER v. to write in a secret code.
EPARCHIESeparchies n. Plural of eparchy.
EPARCHY n. an administrative subdivision of Greece; a diocese in the Eastern Orthodox Church, also EPARCHATE.
EUPHENICSeuphenics n. The science of making biological (phenotypic) improvements to humans after birth.
EUPHENICS n. the biological improvement of human beings after birth.
HEMISPACEhemispace n. Either of the fields of view on the left or right of the body.
HEMISPACE n. the area to one side, either left or right, of the body.
HERPETICSHERPETIC n. a person suffering from herpes.
IMPEACHESimpeaches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of impeach.
IMPEACH v. to accuse of impropriety, also EMPEACH.
NIPCHEESEnipcheese n. (Slang, derogatory) Synonym of miser.
nipcheese n. (Military jargon, derogatory) Synonym of purser.
nipcheese adj. Synonym of miserly.
PARCHEESIparcheesi n. Alternative form of pachisi.
PARCHEESI n. (Hindi) a game, somewhat resembling backgammon, originating in India, also PACHISI, PARCHESI, PARCHISI.
PEACHIESTpeachiest adj. Superlative form of peachy: most peachy.
PEACHY adj. coloured or tasting somewhat of peach.
PHENETICSphenetics n. (Systematics) A form of numerical systematics in which organisms are grouped based upon the total or…
PHENETICS n. a system of classification of organisms based on observable similarities irrespective of whether or not the organisms are related.
SHOWPIECEshowpiece n. Something that exhibits exceptional quality, something worth being shown.
showpiece n. Something made specifically to be displayed.
SHOWPIECE n. something considered an esp. fine specimen of its type, etc.
SPEECHIFYspeechify v. (Intransitive) To give a speech; to hold forth; (now especially) to pronounce pompously or at length.
speechify v. (Transitive, possibly obsolete) To make speeches to (someone); to address in a speech.
SPEECHIFY v. to make long speeches.
SPEECHINGspeeching n. The act of making a speech.
speeching v. Present participle of speech.
SPEECH v. to harangue.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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