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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing C, E, N, 2O, R and S

COEHORNScoehorns n. Plural of coehorn.
COEHORN n. (Dutch) a small mortar for throwing grenades, also COHORN.
CONDOREScondores n. (Obsolete) plural of condor.
CONDOR n. (Quechua) a coin of Chile.
CONSOLERconsoler n. One who gives consolation.
CONSOLER n. one who gives consolation.
CONVERSOconverso n. (History) A Jew or Muslim in Spain or Portugal who converted to Roman Catholicism under duress, particularly…
CONVERSO n. (Spanish) a mediaeval Spanish Jew converting to Catholicism.
CORNEOUScorneous adj. Containing a horny substance; horny.
CORNEOUS adj. of a hornlike texture.
CORONELScoronels n. Plural of coronel.
Coronels prop.n. Plural of Coronel.
CORONEL n. the iron head of a tilting spear, used in jousting.
CORONERScoroners n. Plural of coroner.
CORONER n. an officer who investigates questionable deaths, also CROWNER.
CORONETScoronets n. Plural of coronet.
CORONET n. a small crown, also CROWNET.
CROONERScrooners n. Plural of crooner.
CROONER n. one who croons, i.e. sings softly in a sentimentally contemplative manner.
SCHOONERschooner n. (Nautical) A sailing ship with two or more masts, all with fore-and-aft sails; if two masted, having…
schooner n. (The addition of quotations indicative of this usage is being sought:) (UK) A glass for drinking a large…
schooner n. (Australia) A glass of beer, of a size which varies between states (Wikipedia).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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