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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing C, 2E, I, L, R and T

CELERITYcelerity n. Speed, swiftness.
celerity n. (Oceanography) The speed of individual waves (as opposed to the speed of groups of waves).
celerity n. (Hydrology) The speed with which a perturbation to the flow propagates through the flow domain.
DERELICTderelict adj. Abandoned, forsaken; given up by the natural owner or guardian; (of a ship) abandoned at sea, dilapidated…
derelict adj. Negligent in performing a duty.
derelict adj. Lost; adrift; hence, wanting; careless; neglectful; unfaithful.
ELECTRICelectric adj. Of, relating to, produced by, operated with, or utilising electricity; electrical.
electric adj. Of or relating to an electronic version of a musical instrument that has an acoustic equivalent.
electric adj. Being emotionally thrilling; electrifying.
ERECTILEerectile adj. Capable of being raised to an upright position.
erectile adj. (Biology, medicine, of tissue) Capable of filling with blood and becoming rigid.
ERECTILE adj. capable of being raised upright.
RETICLESreticles n. Plural of reticle.
RETICLE n. a network of lines in the eyepiece of an optical instrument.
RETICULEreticule n. A reticle; a grid in the eyepiece of an instrument.
reticule n. A small women’s bag made of a woven net-like material.
RETICULE n. a woman's workbag, or a little bag to be carried in the hand, originally of network.
SCLERITEsclerite n. (Biology) A hardened body part, especially in arthropod exoskeletons.
SCLERITE n. a hard skeletal plate or spicule.
TELECHIRtelechir n. A robotic arm controlled by a human and offering a telepresence environment.
TELECHIR n. a form of robot controlled by telecommand.
TELERGICtelergic adj. Relating to telergy.
TELERGIC adj. working at a distance as in telepathy.
TELFERICTELFERIC adj. relating to a telfer, a contrivance for the conveyance of vehicles or loads by means of electricity, also TELPHERIC.
TIERCELStiercels n. Plural of tiercel.
TRISCELEtriscele n. Alternative form of triskele.
TRISCELE n. a figure consisting of three radiating curves or legs, also TRISKELE, TRISKELION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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