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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 16 fifteen-letter words containing C, L, 2M, 2O and R

COMMEMORATIONALcommemorational adj. Relating to commemoration; commemorative.
COMMEMORATIONAL adj. serving to commemorate.
COMMEMORATIVELYcommemoratively adv. In a commemorative manner.
COMMEMORATIVE adv. intended as a commemoration.
ELECTROMYOGRAMSelectromyograms n. Plural of electromyogram.
ELECTROMYOGRAM n. a tracing made by an electromyograph.
LYMPHOSARCOMATAlymphosarcomata n. Plural of lymphosarcoma.
LYMPHOSARCOMA n. a tumour of the lymph glands.
MACROCOSMICALLYmacrocosmically adv. In a macrocosmic sense.
MACROCOSMIC adv. relating to a macrocosm.
MALCONFORMATIONmalconformation n. Imperfect, disproportionate, or abnormal formation; disproportion of parts.
MALCONFORMATION n. disproportionate or imperfect formation.
METOCLOPRAMIDESmetoclopramides n. Plural of metoclopramide.
METOCLOPRAMIDE n. a drug used as an anti-emetic.
MICROANATOMICALmicroanatomical adj. Relating to small-scale#Adjective (microscopic) anatomical features.
MICROANATOMICAL adj. relating to microanatomy.
MICROCOSMICALLYmicrocosmically adv. In a microcosmic sense.
MICROCOSMICAL adv. of or like a microcosm, also MICROCOSMIC.
MICROMORPHOLOGYmicromorphology n. (Biology, mineralogy, soil science) The fine-level structures or morphology of an organism, mineral…
micromorphology n. Microstructure.
MICROMORPHOLOGY n. the microscopic structure of a material, as a mineral or a biological cell, aka microstructure.
MONOMOLECULARLYmonomolecularly adv. In monomolecular terms.
MONOMOLECULAR adv. being only one molecule thick.
MONOSYMMETRICALmonosymmetrical adj. (Crystallography) monosymmetric; monoclinic.
monosymmetrical adj. (Botany) Of flowers: capable of being bisected into similar halves in only one plane.
MONOSYMMETRICAL adj. having only one plane of symmetry, also MONOSYMMETRIC.
NORMOGLYCAEMIASNORMOGLYCAEMIA n. the condition of having a normal blood sugar level, also NORMOGLYCEMIA.
ULTRAMICROTOMESultramicrotomes n. Plural of ultramicrotome.
ULTRAMICROTOME n. a microtome for cutting extremely thin sections for electron microscopy.
UNCOMPROMISABLEuncompromisable adj. Not compromisable; that cannot be compromised; non-negotiable.
UNCOMPROMISABLE adj. not able to be compromised.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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