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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing C, I, 3N, P and T

COUNTERPLANNINGcounterplanning v. Present participle of counterplan.
COUNTERPLAN v. to form a plan designed to counter another plan.
COUNTERPOINTINGcounterpointing v. Present participle of counterpoint.
COUNTERPOINT v. to compose or arrange in counterpoint.
COUNTERPUNCHINGcounterpunching v. Present participle of counterpunch.
COUNTERPUNCH v. to return a punch or blow.
INTERDEPENDENCEinterdependence n. The condition of being interdependent.
INTERDEPENDENCE n. the state of being interdependent, also INTERDEPENDENCY.
INTERDEPENDENCYinterdependency n. A mutual dependence, connection or correlation.
INTERDEPENDENCY n. the state of being interdependent, also INTERDEPENDENCE.
NONCOMPETITIONSNONCOMPETITION n. something that is not a competition.
NONCONSUMPTIONSNONCONSUMPTION n. something that is not consumption.
NONCOOPERATIONSnoncooperations n. Plural of noncooperation.
NONCOOPERATION n. failure or refusal to cooperate.
NONDESCRIPTNESSnondescriptness n. The state or condition of being nondescript.
NONDESCRIPT n. belonging or appearing to belong to no particular class or kind.
NONIMPLICATIONSnonimplications n. Plural of nonimplication.
NONIMPLICATION n. the fact of not being implicated.
NONOCCUPATIONALnonoccupational adj. Not occupational; not associated with one’s occupation.
NONOCCUPATIONAL adj. not occupational.
NONPARTICIPANTSnonparticipants n. Plural of nonparticipant.
NONPARTICIPANT n. one who is not a participant.
NONPRESCRIPTIONnonprescription adj. (Of medicine) Not requiring a prescription; over-the-counter.
non-prescription adj. Alternative spelling of nonprescription.
NONPRESCRIPTION adj. capable of being bought without a doctor's prescription.
PRECONDITIONINGpreconditioning v. Present participle of precondition.
preconditioning n. The act of preparing something for a subsequent action.
PRECONDITION v. to put in a proper or desired condition or frame of mind esp. in preparation.
PRONUNCIAMENTOSpronunciamentos n. Plural of pronunciamento.
PRONUNCIAMENTO n. an official or authoritarian declaration; a proclamation or an edict.
PRONUNCIATIONALpronunciational adj. Of or relating to pronunciation.
PRONUNCIATIONAL adj. relating to pronunciation.
SUPERCONTINENTSsupercontinents n. Plural of supercontinent.
SUPERCONTINENT n. a hypothetical former large continent from which other continents are held to have broken off and drifted away.
SUPERCONVENIENTsuperconvenient adj. (Rare, informal) Very convenient.
SUPERCONVENIENT adj. extremely convenient.
SUPERINTENDENCEsuperintendence n. The act of superintending; supervision.
SUPERINTENDENCE n. the act or function of superintending or directing, also SUPERINTENDENCY.
SUPERINTENDENCYsuperintendency n. (Uncountable) The condition of being a superintendent.
superintendency n. (Countable) The act of superintending.
SUPERINTENDENCY n. the act or function of superintending or directing, also SUPERINTENDENCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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