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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 18 fifteen-letter words containing C, H, L, N, O and 2R

BRONCHODILATORSbronchodilators n. Plural of bronchodilator.
BRONCHODILATOR n. a drug that relaxes bronchial muscle resulting in expansion of the bronchial air passages.
CHLORPROMAZINESchlorpromazines n. Plural of chlorpromazine.
CHLORPROMAZINE n. a phenothiazine used chiefly as a tranquilizer esp. in the form of its hydrochloride to control the symptoms of psychotic disorders.
CONTROLLERSHIPScontrollerships n. Plural of controllership.
CONTROLLERSHIP n. the office of controller.
EPICHLOROHYDRINepichlorohydrin n. (Chemistry) Any epihalohydrin in which the halogen is chlorine.
EPICHLOROHYDRIN n. a volatile liquid toxic epoxide used esp. in making epoxy resins and rubbers.
HEXYLRESORCINOLhexylresorcinol n. (Organic chemistry) A hexyl derivative of resorcinol that has anaesthetic, antiseptic and antihelmintic properties.
HEXYLRESORCINOL n. a crystalline phenol used as an antiseptic and anthelmintic.
HYDROCORALLINESHYDROCORALLINE n. a member the Hydrozoa, which includes millepores etc.
NITROCHLOROFORMnitrochloroform n. Chlorpicrin.
NITROCHLOROFORM n. a toxic lachrymatory liquid used as a pesticide and a tear gas.
NONHIERARCHICALnonhierarchical adj. Classified or arranged so that a group or person has the same authority as everyone else; not hierarchical.
NONHIERARCHICAL adj. not hierarchical.
ORCHESTRATIONALorchestrational adj. Of or pertaining to orchestration.
ORCHESTRATIONAL adj. relating to orchestration.
ORGANOCHLORINESorganochlorines n. Plural of organochlorine.
ORGANOCHLORINE n. a compound of chlorine and an organic radical.
ORGANOGRAPHICALorganographical adj. Alternative form of organographic.
ORGANOGRAPHICAL adj. related to organography, a description of the organs of plants or animals, also ORGANOGRAPHIC.
PERCHLOROETHENEPERCHLOROETHENE n. a chlorine-carbon compound widely used for the dry cleaning of fabrics.
POLYCHLOROPRENEpolychloroprene n. (Organic chemistry) A polymer of chloroprene.
REPROACHFULNESSreproachfulness n. The state or quality of being reproachful.
REPROACHFUL n. reproving.
RHINOSCLEROMATArhinoscleromata n. Plural of rhinoscleroma.
RHINOSCLEROMA n. a disease with hard swelling in the nose etc.
THERMOELECTRONSthermoelectrons n. Plural of thermoelectron.
THERMOELECTRON n. an electron emitted at high temperature, such as one produced in a thermionic valve.
TRANSHISTORICALtranshistorical n. Outside the bounds of history; universal; permanent.
TRANSHISTORICAL adj. transcending historical bounds.
TRICHLOROETHANEtrichloroethane n. (Organic chemistry) Either of two isomeric halogenated hydrocarbons, CH3-CCl3 or CH2Cl-CHCl2, that are…
trichloroethane n. (Organic chemistry) Any of many derivatives of these compounds.
TRICHLOROETHANE n. a volatile nonflammable colourless liquid with low toxicity used for cleaning electrical apparatus and as a solvent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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