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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 19 fifteen-letter words containing C, G, M, N, S, T and U

CIRCUMGYRATIONScircumgyrations n. Plural of circumgyration.
CIRCUMGYRATION n. a whirling around.
CIRCUMNAVIGATEScircumnavigates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circumnavigate.
CIRCUMNAVIGATE v. to go completely around, as the earth, esp. by water.
CONGLOMERATEURSconglomerateurs n. Plural of conglomerateur.
CONGLOMERATEUR n. a person who forms or heads a conglomerate.
CURMUDGEONLIESTcurmudgeonliest adj. Superlative form of curmudgeonly: most curmudgeonly.
CURMUDGEONLY adj. like a curmudgeon.
DISCOURAGEMENTSdiscouragements n. Plural of discouragement.
DISCOURAGEMENT n. the act of discouraging.
DOCUMENTARISINGdocumentarising v. Present participle of documentarise.
DOCUMENTARISE v. to make into a documentary, also DOCUMENTARIZE.
ETHNOMUSICOLOGYethnomusicology n. (Music) The study of music and culture; the study of music as it relates to its cultural context.
ETHNOMUSICOLOGY n. the study of comparative musical systems.
MALFUNCTIONINGSmalfunctionings n. Plural of malfunctioning.
MALFUNCTIONING n. an instance of functioning imperfectly or badly.
METALINGUISTICSmetalinguistics n. The branch of linguistics that studies language and its relationship to culture and society.
METALINGUISTICS n. the study of the relation between a language and other features of behaviour in a particular culture.
MICROCOMPUTINGSMICROCOMPUTING n. computing with a microcomputer.
MISARTICULATINGmisarticulating v. Present participle of misarticulate.
MISARTICULATE v. to articulate wrongly.
MISCONJECTURINGmisconjecturing v. Present participle of misconjecture.
MISCONJECTURE v. to make a wrong conjecture.
MISCONSTRUCTINGmisconstructing v. Present participle of misconstruct.
MISCONSTRUCT v. to construct wrongly.
MULTIPROCESSINGmultiprocessing n. Computation using more than one processor.
MULTIPROCESSING n. the processing of several computer programs at the same time esp. by a computer system with two or more processors sharing a single memory.
NEUROCOMPUTINGSNEUROCOMPUTING n. computing using neural networks to mimic the action of the human brain.
PERGAMENTACEOUSpergamentaceous adj. (Biology, now chiefly botany) Reminiscent of parchment.
PERGAMENTACEOUS adj. parchment-like, also PERGAMENEOUS.
SUPERCOMPUTINGSSUPERCOMPUTING n. computing using a supercomputer, a large very fast mainframe used esp. for scientific computations.
TUMORGENICITIESTUMORGENICITY n. the state of being tumorgenic, giving rise to tumors.
UNDOMESTICATINGundomesticating v. Present participle of undomesticate.
UNDOMESTICATE v. to make not domesticated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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