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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing 2C, N, 2O, P and U

CHENOPODIACEOUSchenopodiaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Chenopodiaceae (goosefoots) (now subfamily Chenopodioideae).
CHENOPODIACEOUS adj. belonging to the goosefoot family.
CIRCUMPOSITIONScircumpositions n. Plural of circumposition.
CIRCUMPOSITION n. the act of placing round.
CONDUPLICATIONSconduplications n. Plural of conduplication.
CONDUPLICATION n. the state of being conduplicate.
CONSPICUOUSNESSconspicuousness n. Openness or exposure to the view; a state of being clearly visible.
conspicuousness n. The property of being clearly discernible by the mind; obviousness.
conspicuousness n. Eminence; celebrity; renown.
COUNCILLORSHIPScouncillorships n. Plural of councillorship.
COUNCILLORSHIP n. the office of councillor, also COUNCILORSHIP.
COUNTERPROJECTScounterprojects n. Plural of counterproject.
COUNTERPROJECT n. a project set up in opposition to another.
INCONSPICUOUSLYinconspicuously adv. In an inconspicuous manner; so as not to attract attention or appear unusual or out of the ordinary.
INCONSPICUOUS adv. not easily seen.
MICROCOMPUTINGSMICROCOMPUTING n. computing with a microcomputer.
NONOCCUPATIONALnonoccupational adj. Not occupational; not associated with one’s occupation.
NONOCCUPATIONAL adj. not occupational.
PHOTOCONDUCTINGphotoconducting adj. Synonym of photoconductive.
PHOTOCONDUCTING adj. relating to, or showing, photoconductivity.
PHOTOCONDUCTIONphotoconduction n. A change (normally an increase) in the electrical conductivity of a material as a result of incident…
PHOTOCONDUCTION n. conduction of electricity resulting from the absorption of light.
PHOTOCONDUCTIVEphotoconductive adj. Of, relating to, or characterized by photoconductivity.
PHOTOCONDUCTIVE adj. having, involving, or operating by photoconductivity.
PHOTOCONDUCTORSphotoconductors n. Plural of photoconductor.
PHOTOCONDUCTOR n. a photoconductive substance.
PNEUMOCONIOTICSPNEUMOCONIOTIC n. a person suffering from pneumoconiosis.
PRECONSTRUCTIONpreconstruction n. Work done in preparation for construction, such as of a building.
preconstruction n. A preconception or prejudice.
PRECONSTRUCTION n. construction in advance.
PSYCHONEUROTICSpsychoneurotics n. Plural of psychoneurotic.
PSYCHONEUROTIC n. one suffering from a psychoneurosis.
SUPERCONDUCTIONsuperconduction n. Superconductivity.
SUPERCONDUCTION n. the act of superconducting.
SUPERCONDUCTORSsuperconductors n. Plural of superconductor.
SUPERCONDUCTOR n. a material that exhibits superconductivity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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