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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 12 fifteen-letter words containing 2C, E, H, 2N and S

CHINCHERINCHEESchincherinchees n. Plural of chincherinchee.
CHINCHERINCHEE n. a kind of African flower, also CHINKERINCHEE.
CHOLECYSTOKININcholecystokinin n. (Biochemistry) Any of several peptide hormones that stimulate the digestion of fat and protein; abbreviated to CCK.
CHOLECYSTOKININ n. a hormone secreted esp. by the duodenal mucosa that regulates the emptying of the gallbladder and secretion of enzymes by the pancreas and that has been found in the brain.
COUNTERPUNCHERScounterpunchers n. Plural of counterpuncher.
COUNTERPUNCHER n. one who counterpunches.
HALLUCINOGENICShallucinogenics n. Plural of hallucinogenic.
HALLUCINOGENIC n. a substance that induces hallucinations, also HALLUCINOGEN.
NONPSYCHOACTIVEnonpsychoactive adj. Not psychoactive.
NUCLEOSYNTHETICnucleosynthetic adj. Of or pertaining to nucleosynthesis.
NUCLEOSYNTHETIC adj. relating to nucleosynthesis.
PYROTECHNICIANSpyrotechnicians n. Plural of pyrotechnician.
PYROTECHNICIAN n. one who makes fireworks.
SCORCHINGNESSESSCORCHINGNESS n. the state of being scorching.
SUCCINYLCHOLINEsuccinylcholine n. (Pharmacology) US and UK form of suxamethonium.
SUCCINYLCHOLINE n. a basic compound that is used intravenously chiefly in the form of a hydrated chloride as a muscle relaxant in surgery.
SYNCHRONICITIESsynchronicities n. Plural of synchronicity.
SYNCHRONICITY n. the coincidental occurrence of events and esp. psychic events.
SYNCHRONOSCOPESSYNCHRONOSCOPE n. an instrument used to indicate whether two periodic quantities or motions are synchronous.
TECHNICALNESSESTECHNICALNESS n. the state of being technical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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