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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 10 fifteen-letter words containing 3C, E, I, P and R

ARCHIEPISCOPACYarchiepiscopacy n. (Ecclesiastical) The form of episcopacy in which the chief power is in the hands of archbishops.
archiepiscopacy n. (Ecclesiastical) The position or dignity of an archbishop.
ARCHIEPISCOPACY n. the rank or province of an archbishop.
BRACHIOCEPHALICbrachiocephalic adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the arm and the head.
BRACHIOCEPHALIC adj. relating to the arms and head.
BRACHYCEPHALICSbrachycephalics n. Plural of brachycephalic.
BRACHYCEPHALIC n. a short-headed person.
CEPHALOTHORACICcephalothoracic adj. (Anatomy) Relating to or resembling a cephalothorax.
CEPHALOTHORACIC adj. relating to the cephalothorax.
CERCOPITHECOIDScercopithecoids n. Plural of cercopithecoid.
CERCOPITHECOID n. any of several Old World long-tailed monkeys of the genus Cercopithecus, including the Diana monkey, vervet, and moustached monkey, also CERCOPITHECID.
CIRCUMSCRIPTIVEcircumscriptive adj. That circumscribes or outlines.
CIRCUMSCRIPTIVE adj. marking the external form or outline.
CIRCUMSPECTIONScircumspections n. Plural of circumspection.
CIRCUMSPECTION n. the state of being circumspect.
CIRCUMSPECTNESScircumspectness n. The state or quality of being circumspect.
CIRCUMSPECTNESS n. the state of being circumspect.
HYPERCATALECTIChypercatalectic adj. (Poetry) Which has an extra syllable added to the last dipody (foot of a verse).
HYPERCATALECTIC adj. having an additional syllable or half-foot after the last complete dipody.
SPECTROSCOPICALspectroscopical adj. Alternative form of spectroscopic.
SPECTROSCOPICAL adj. relating to spectroscopy, also SPECTROSCOPIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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