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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 14 fourteen-letter words containing C, L, 2M, N and 2O

COMMENTATORIALcommentatorial adj. Relating to the making of commentaries.
COMMENTATORIAL adj. relating to the making of commentaries.
COMMONSENSIBLEcommonsensible adj. Synonym of commonsensical.
COMMONSENSIBLE adj. showing common sense, also COMMONSENSICAL.
COMMONSENSICALcommonsensical adj. Displaying common sense.
common-sensical adj. Alternative form of commonsensical.
COMMONSENSICAL adj. showing common sense, also COMMONSENSIBLE.
COMPROMISINGLYcompromisingly adv. In a compromising manner.
COMPROMISING adv. exposing to the risk of scandal.
INCOMMODIOUSLYincommodiously adv. In an incommodious manner.
INCOMMODIOUS adv. not commodious.
METRONOMICALLYmetronomically adv. In a metronomic fashion.
METRONOMICAL adv. of or like a metronome, also METRONOMIC.
MONOMANIACALLYmonomaniacally adv. In a monomaniacal manner.
MONOMANIACAL adv. obsessed with one subject only.
MULTICOMPONENTmulticomponent adj. Having, or affecting, multiple components.
multi-component adj. Alternative form of multicomponent.
MULTICOMPONENT adj. having many components.
NONCHROMOSOMALnonchromosomal adj. Not chromosomal.
NONCHROMOSOMAL adj. not situated on a chromosome.
NONCOMMITTALLYnoncommittally adv. In a noncommittal manner.
non-committally adv. Alternative spelling of noncommittally.
NONCOMMITTAL adv. giving no clear indication of attitude or feeling.
NORMOGLYCAEMIAnormoglycaemia n. Alternative form of normoglycemia.
NORMOGLYCAEMIA n. the condition of having a normal blood sugar level, also NORMOGLYCEMIA.
NORMOGLYCAEMICnormoglycaemic adj. Alternative form of normoglycemic.
NORMOGLYCAEMIC adj. having a normal level of blood sugar, also NORMOGLYCEMIC.
NORMOGLYCEMIASNORMOGLYCEMIA n. a normal level of blood sugar, also NORMOGLYCAEMIA.
OMPHALOMANCIESOMPHALOMANCY n. predicting the number of children a mother will bear by counting the knots in her firstborn's umbilical cord.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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