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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 14 fourteen-letter words containing C, I, N, 2O, P and V

CONTRAPOSITIVEcontrapositive n. (Logic) The inverse of the converse of a given proposition.
CONTRAPOSITIVE n. an immediate inference, which consists in denying the original subject of the contradictory of the original predicate.
GALVANOSCOPIESGALVANOSCOPY n. the use of a galvanoscope, an instrument for detecting the presence and direction of an electric current.
NONCOMPETITIVEnoncompetitive adj. That does not involve competition or rivalry.
non-competitive adj. Alternative spelling of noncompetitive.
NONCOMPETITIVE adj. not competitive.
NONCONSUMPTIVEnonconsumptive adj. That does not consume a resource.
nonconsumptive adj. That is not consumed (eaten).
nonconsumptive adj. Not suffering from consumption, or tuberculosis.
NONCOOPERATIVEnoncooperative adj. Not cooperative; uncooperative.
NONCOOPERATIVE adj. of, relating to, or characterized by noncooperation.
OVERCOMPLIANCEovercompliance n. Compliance beyond what is necessary.
OVERCOMPLIANCE n. excessive compliance.
OVERPREDICTIONoverprediction n. Prediction that is erroneously high.
OVERPROCESSINGoverprocessing v. Present participle of overprocess.
OVERPROCESS v. to process excessively.
OVERPRODUCTIONoverproduction n. The production of more of a commodity than can be used or sold.
OVERPRODUCTION n. excessive production.
OVERPROTECTINGoverprotecting v. Present participle of overprotect.
OVERPROTECT v. to protect to excess.
OVERPROTECTIONoverprotection n. The act of overprotecting.
OVERPROTECTION n. excessive protection.
PHOTOINDUCTIVEphotoinductive adj. Relating to photoinduction.
PHOTOINDUCTIVE adj. relating to photoinduction.
POSTCONVENTIONpostconvention adj. After a convention.
POSTCONVENTION adj. taking place after a convention.
PRECONVICTIONSpreconvictions n. Plural of preconviction.
PRECONVICTION n. a preliminary conviction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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