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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 12 fourteen-letter words containing C, E, 2I and 3R

ARTERIOGRAPHICarteriographic adj. (Medicine) Relating to arteriography.
ARTERIOGRAPHIC adj. relating to arteriography.
CIRCUMSCRIBERScircumscribers n. Plural of circumscriber.
CIRCUMSCRIBER n. one who circumscribes.
CREDITWORTHIERCREDITWORTHY adj. financially sound enough to justify the extension of credit.
CRINGEWORTHIERCRINGEWORTHY adj. causing extreme embarrassment.
INTRAMERCURIALintramercurial adj. (Astronomy) Between the planet Mercury and the sun.
INTRAMERCURIAL adj. within Mercury's orbit.
IRREPRODUCIBLEirreproducible adj. That cannot be reproduced or duplicated.
IRREPRODUCIBLE adj. not reproducible.
MICROBREWERIESmicrobreweries n. Plural of microbrewery.
micro-breweries n. Plural of micro-brewery.
MICROBREWERY n. a small brewery making specialty beer in limited quantities.
MICROSURGERIESmicrosurgeries n. Plural of microsurgery.
MICROSURGERY n. minute dissection or manipulation (as by a micromanipulator or laser beam) of living structures or tissue.
PARTICULARIZERparticularizer n. One who particularizes.
particularizer n. (Grammar) A word or phrase that focuses attention on part of something, such as mainly, especially, or primarily.
PARTICULARIZER n. one who particularizes, also PARTICULARISER.
SERVICEBERRIESserviceberries n. Plural of serviceberry.
SERVICEBERRY n. the fruit of a North American tree of genus Amelanchier.
TRINITROCRESOLtrinitrocresol n. (Organic chemistry, medicine) Any of several isomeric trinitro derivatives of cresol; the commercial…
TRINITROCRESOL n. a yellow crystalline highly explosive compound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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