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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing C, D, G, 2I and 2S

DEACCESSIONINGdeaccessioning v. Present participle of deaccession.
DIAGNOSTICIANSdiagnosticians n. Plural of diagnostician.
DIAGNOSTICIAN n. one who specialises in diagnosis.
DISACCUSTOMINGdisaccustoming v. Present participle of disaccustom.
DISACCUSTOM v. to free from a habit.
DISASSOCIATINGdisassociating v. Present participle of disassociate.
DISASSOCIATE v. to separate from association or union with another, also DISSOCIATE.
DISCOMPOSINGLYdiscomposingly adv. So as to discompose.
DISCOMPOSING adv. DISCOMPOSE, to disarrange; to disturb.
DISCOUNSELLINGdiscounselling v. Present participle of discounsel.
DISCOUNSEL v. (Spenser) to dissuade.
DISFRANCHISINGdisfranchising v. Present participle of disfranchise.
DISFRANCHISE v. to deprive of franchise.
DISSOCIALISINGdissocialising v. Present participle of dissocialise.
DISSOCIALISE v. to make unsocial, also DISSOCIALIZE.
DISSOCIALIZINGdissocializing v. Present participle of dissocialize.
DISSOCIALIZE v. to make unsocial, also DISSOCIALISE.
GEODYNAMICISTSgeodynamicists n. Plural of geodynamicist.
GEODYNAMICIST n. a student of geodynamics, the study of the dynamic processes and forces within the earth.
MERCHANDISINGSmerchandisings n. Plural of merchandising.
MERCHANDISING n. buying and selling in business.
ORCHIDOLOGISTSorchidologists n. Plural of orchidologist.
ORCHIDOLOGIST n. one who studies orchids.
REDISTRICTINGSredistrictings n. Plural of redistricting.
REDISTRICTING n. the act of dividing into new districts.
SCRIMSHANDYINGSCRIMSHANDY v. to ornament, as shells, ivory, etc., by engraving, and (usually) rubbing pigments into the incised lines, also SCRIMSHANDER, SCRIMSHAW.
SERODIAGNOSTICserodiagnostic adj. Of or pertaining to serodiagnosis.
serodiagnostic n. Any serodiagnostic symptom.
SERODIAGNOSTIC adj. denoting a method of testing test blood and serum for TB antibodies.
SIGMOIDOSCOPESsigmoidoscopes n. Plural of sigmoidoscope.
SIGMOIDOSCOPE n. an instrument for examining the interior of the rectum and sigmoid colon.
SIGMOIDOSCOPICsigmoidoscopic adj. (Medicine) Relating to the type of examination of the colon.
SIGMOIDOSCOPIC adj. pertaining to a sigmoidoscope, an instrument for examining the interior of the rectum and sigmoid colon.
STICKHANDLINGSSTICKHANDLING n. the act of manoeuvring (the puck) deftly in ice hockey.
SUICIDOLOGISTSsuicidologists n. Plural of suicidologist.
SUICIDOLOGIST n. a student of suicidology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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