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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 14 fourteen-letter words containing 2C, L, 2R and 2T

ARISTOCRATICALaristocratical adj. (Politics) Aristocratic.
ARISTOCRATICAL adj. belonging to an aristocracy, also ARISTOCRATIC.
CIRCUMLITTORALcircumlittoral adj. Around, or bordering the shore.
circumlittoral adj. Describing the part of the sea bottom immediately beyond the littoral.
CIRCUMLITTORAL adj. around or near the shore.
CITRICULTURISTcitriculturist n. One who cultivates citrus fruits.
CITRICULTURIST n. one who practises citriculture, the cultivation of citrus fruits.
COUNTERCULTUREcounterculture n. Any culture whose values and lifestyles are opposed to those of the established mainstream culture…
counter␣culture n. Alternative spelling of counterculture.
COUNTERCULTURE n. a culture with values and mores that run counter to those of established society.
ELECTROCAUTERYelectrocautery n. Cauterization by the use of an instrument heated by electricity; electrocauterization.
electrocautery n. Such an instrument.
ELECTROCAUTERY n. a handheld, needlelike cautery heated by an electric current.
ELECTROCULTUREelectroculture n. (Archaic) The electrical stimulation of plants.
ELECTROCULTURE n. the cultivation of plants under the stimulus of electricity.
ELECTROTHERMICelectrothermic adj. Thermoelectric.
ELECTROTHERMIC adj. of or relating to electricity and heat, or heat obtained electrically, also ELECTROTHERMAL.
INTERLOCUTRICEinterlocutrice n. A female interlocutor.
MULTICHARACTERmulticharacter adj. (Art) Involving or performing multiple characters.
multicharacter adj. (Computing) Consisting of more than one character (unit of text).
MULTICHARACTER adj. having many characters.
RECALCITRATINGrecalcitrating v. Present participle of recalcitrate.
RECALCITRATE v. to show strong objection to.
RECALCITRATIONrecalcitration n. A kicking back again; opposition; repugnance; refractoriness.
RECALCITRATION n. refractoriness.
THERMOELECTRICthermoelectric adj. Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting thermoelectricity.
THERMOELECTRIC adj. relating to electricity developed by bodies at different temperatures.
TRICHLORACETICtrichloracetic adj. Alternative form of trichloroacetic.
TRICHLORACETIC adj. as in trichloracetic acid.
ULTRAPRACTICALultrapractical adj. Extremely practical.
ULTRAPRACTICAL adj. extremely practical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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