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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing C, L, M, O, 2R and U

FLUOROCHROMESfluorochromes n. Plural of fluorochrome.
FLUOROCHROME n. any of various fluorescent substances used in biological staining to produce fluorescence in a specimen.
FORMULARISTICformularistic adj. Pertaining to, or exhibiting, formularization.
FORMULARISTIC adj. of or like a formula.
INTERCOLUMNARintercolumnar adj. Between columns.
INTERCOLUMNAR adj. between columns.
MATRICULATORSmatriculators n. Plural of matriculator.
MATRICULATOR n. one who matriculates.
MATRICULATORYMATRICULATORY adj. relating to matriculation.
MICROCULTURALmicrocultural adj. Of or pertaining to a microculture.
MICROCULTURAL adj. relating to microculture.
MICROCULTURESmicrocultures n. Plural of microculture.
MICROCULTURE n. a microscopic culture of cells or organisms.
MICROSURGICALmicrosurgical adj. Of or pertaining to microsurgery.
MICROSURGICAL adj. relating to microsurgery.
MICROVASCULARmicrovascular adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to extremely small blood vessels.
MICROVASCULAR adj. of, relating to, or constituting the part of the circulatory system made up of minute vessels (as venules or capillaries) that average less than 0.3 millimeters in diameter.
NEUROMUSCULARneuromuscular adj. (Anatomy) Pertaining to the voluntary or reflexive control of muscles by nerves.
NEUROMUSCULAR adj. of or relating to nerves and muscles.
SCLERODERMOUSsclerodermous adj. Relating to scleroderma.
SCLERODERMOUS adj. hard-skinned; having bony armour.
SUPERCOLUMNARsupercolumnar adj. Above a column.
SUPERCOLUMNAR adj. above a column or colonnade; with one colonnade above another.
THERMONUCLEARthermonuclear adj. Of, or relating to the fusion of atomic nuclei at high temperatures.
thermonuclear adj. Of, or relating to the use of atomic weapons based on such fusion, especially as distinguished from…
thermonuclear n. (Military) A thermonuclear weapon.
ULTRAROMANTICultraromantic adj. Extremely romantic.
ULTRAROMANTIC adj. extremely romantic.
UMBRACULIFORMumbraculiform adj. (Botany) Having the form of anything that serves to shade, such as a treetop or especially an umbrella.
UMBRACULIFORM adj. shaped like an umbrella.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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