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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing C, 2L, 3O and Y

ALCOHOLOMETRYalcoholometry n. The measurement of the concentration of alcohol in a liquid, especially in the blood.
ALCOHOLOMETRY n. the measurement of the proportion of alcohol in solutions.
CHROMOSOMALLYchromosomally adv. With reference to chromosomes.
CHROMOSOMAL adv. relating to a chromosome.
DOXOLOGICALLYdoxologically adv. In terms of, or by means of, doxology.
DOXOLOGICAL adv. relating to doxology.
HOMOLOGICALLYhomologically adv. In a homological manner.
homologically adv. With reference to homology.
HOMOLOGICAL adv. having the same relative structure, also HOMOLOGOUS.
HYDROCOLLOIDShydrocolloids n. Plural of hydrocolloid.
HYDROCOLLOID n. a substance that yields a gel with water.
MONOTONICALLYmonotonically adv. In a monotonic manner, pertaining to the Greek system of diacritics which discards the breathings and…
monotonically adv. (Mathematics) In a monotonic manner, of a function that either never decreases or never increases as…
MONOTONIC adv. having one tone; of a mathematical series, increasing or decreasing evenly.
NOMOLOGICALLYnomologically adv. In terms or by means of nomology.
NOMOLOGICAL adv. relating to nomology, the science of reasoning, also NOMOLOGIC.
NOSOLOGICALLYnosologically adv. In terms of nosology.
NOSOLOGICAL adv. relating to nosology, the science of diseases, also NOSOLOGIC.
OECOLOGICALLYœcologically adv. Obsolete spelling of ecologically.
ONTOLOGICALLYontologically adv. In an ontological manner.
ONTOLOGICAL adv. based upon being or existence, also ONTOLOGIC.
PALAEOECOLOGYpalaeoecology n. The study of past ecologies by using the evidence of fossils.
PALAEOECOLOGY n. the study of early ecology.
POLYCOTYLEDONpolycotyledon n. (Botany) A plant that has many, or more than two, cotyledons in the seed.
POLYCOTYLEDON n. any of various plants, esp. gymnosperms, that have or appear to have more than two cotyledons.
POMOLOGICALLYpomologically adv. In a pomological way.
POMOLOGICAL adv. relating to pomology.
TOPOLOGICALLYtopologically adv. In a topological manner.
TOPOLOGICAL adv. relating to topology, also TOPOLOGIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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