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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 12 thirteen-letter words containing C, 2L, M, N, O and P

CERULOPLASMINceruloplasmin n. (Biochemistry) A blue metalloprotein that contains copper; it acts as a ferroxidase in association with transferrin.
CERULOPLASMIN n. a blue copper-binding serum oxidase that is deficient in Wilson's disease.
COMPELLATIONScompellations n. Plural of compellation.
COMPELLATION n. the act of addressing someone by name.
COMPLAININGLYcomplainingly adv. In a complaining manner; peevishly.
COMPLAINING adv. express discontent.
COMPLAISANTLYcomplaisantly adv. In a complaisant manner; obligingly.
COMPLAISANT adv. wishing to please others; obliging.
IMPLICATIONALimplicational adj. Of or pertaining to logical implication.
IMPLICATIONAL adj. of the nature of implication.
NUCLEOPLASMICnucleoplasmic adj. Of or pertaining to nucleoplasm.
NUCLEOPLASMIC adj. relating to nucleoplasm, the protoplasm in the nucleus of a cell, also NUCLEOPLASMATIC.
PALINDROMICALpalindromical adj. Archaic form of palindromic.
PALINDROMICAL adj. of or like a palindrome, also PALINDROMIC.
PANORAMICALLYpanoramically adv. In a panoramic way.
PANORAMIC adv. relating to a panorama, a wide or complete view.
PENICILLIFORMpenicilliform adj. (Botany) penicillate.
PENICILLIFORM adj. paintbrush-shaped.
PNEUMOBACILLIPNEUMOBACILLUS n. a rod-shaped bacterium that occurs in the respiratory tract and which causes pneumonia.
SYMPHONICALLYsymphonically adv. In a symphonic manner.
SYMPHONIC adv. relating to a symphony.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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