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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing C, G, I, N, O, U and Y

CONFOUNDINGLYconfoundingly adv. In a confounding way.
CONFOUNDING adv. CONFOUND, to confuse, frustrate.
CONSANGUINITYconsanguinity n. A consanguineous or family relationship through parentage or descent. A blood relationship.
CONSANGUINITY n. relationship by blood.
COUNTERSPYINGcounterspying n. Spying on spies.
counterspying v. Present participle of counterspy.
COUNTERSPYING n. the activity of a counterspy.
CRYOGLOBULINScryoglobulins n. Plural of cryoglobulin.
CRYOGLOBULIN n. an immunoglobulin formed in the blood in certain diseases which forms obstructions in small blood vessels when the extremities are subjected to low temperatures.
DISCONTIGUITYdiscontiguity n. The condition of being discontiguous.
DISCONTIGUITY n. lack of contiguity.
ENCOURAGINGLYencouragingly adv. In an encouraging manner.
ENCOURAGING adv. heartening.
EUGEOSYNCLINEeugeosyncline n. (Geology) A narrow rapidly subsiding geosyncline usually with volcanic materials mingled with clastic sediments.
EUGEOSYNCLINE n. a narrow rapidly subsiding geosyncline usually with volcanic materials mingled with clastic sediments.
GYNODIOECIOUSgynodioecious adj. (Botany) dioecious, but having some hermaphrodite or perfect flowers on an individual plant which bears…
GYNODIOECIOUS adj. having hermaphrodite and female flowers on different plants.
INCONGRUENTLYincongruently adv. In an incongruent way.
INCONGRUENT adv. not congruent.
INCONGRUOUSLYincongruously adv. In an incongruous manner.
INCONGRUOUS adv. lacking congruity.
OBSTRUCTINGLYobstructingly adv. So as to obstruct.
OBSTRUCTINGLY adv. in an obstructing manner.
SANGUINOLENCYsanguinolency n. The state of being sanguinolent, or bloody.
SANGUINOLENCY n. the state of being sanguinolent, containing blood.
SUFFOCATINGLYsuffocatingly adv. In a suffocating manner, or to a degree that suffocates.
SUFFOCATING adv. oppressive.
TUMORGENICITYtumorgenicity n. Alternative form of tumorigenicity.
TUMORGENICITY n. the state of being tumorgenic, giving rise to tumors.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 108 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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