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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing C, E, H, I, 2O and U

AUTOCHTHONIESautochthonies n. Plural of autochthony.
AUTOCHTHONY n. the state of being aboriginal.
CINCHONACEOUScinchonaceous adj. Allied or pertaining to cinchona, or to the plants that produce it.
CINCHONACEOUS adj. belonging to the Cinchona genus of trees, that yield quinine.
COUNSELORSHIPcounselorship n. The function and rank or office of a counselor.
COUNSELORSHIP n. (US) the office of counselor, also COUNSELLORSHIP.
COUNTINGHOUSEcountinghouse n. (Dated) An office used by a business to house its accounts department.
counting-house n. Alternative form of countinghouse.
counting␣house n. Alternative form of countinghouse.
FERROCHROMIUMferrochromium n. An alloy of iron and chromium.
FERROCHROMIUM n. an alloy of iron with chromium, also FERROCHROME.
HETEROCLITOUSheteroclitous adj. (Obsolete) heteroclitic.
HETEROCLITOUS adj. irregularly inflected, also HETEROCLITIC.
HOMESOURCINGSHOMESOURCING n. the transfer of service industry employment from offices to home-based employees with appropriate telephone and Internet facilities, also HOMESHORING.
HYPOEUTECTOIDhypoeutectoid adj. Synonym of hypoeutectic.
hypoeutectoid n. A hypoeutectic alloy.
HYPOEUTECTOID adj. of a compound, containing less of the minor component than a eutectic compound.
LEUCITOHEDRONLEUCITOHEDRON n. the cubic icositetrahedron, simulated by typical leucite crystals.
MELANCHOLIOUSmelancholious adj. (Obsolete) melancholy.
MELANCHOLIOUS adj. melancholic.
PHOTOREDUCINGphotoreducing v. Present participle of photoreduce.
PHOTOREDUCE v. to photocopy with reduction of the image.
PSEUDOMORPHICpseudomorphic adj. Of or pertaining to a pseudomorph or to pseudomorphism.
PSEUDOMORPHIC adj. of or like a pseudomorph, also PSEUDOMORPHOUS.
RHEUMATOLOGICrheumatologic adj. Rheumatological.
TRICHOPTEROUStrichopterous adj. (Zoology) Of, pertaining to, or characterizing the Trichoptera.
TRICHOPTEROUS adj. relating to the Trichoptera, caddis flies.
UNTHEOLOGICALuntheological adj. Not theological.
UNTHEOLOGICAL adj. not theological.
URETHROSCOPICurethroscopic adj. Relating to urethroscopy.
URETHROSCOPIC adj. relating to urethroscopy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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