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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 12 thirteen-letter words containing C, 2E, H, N, P and U

ENSEPULCHRINGensepulchring v. Present participle of ensepulchre.
ENSEPULCHRE v. to place in a sepulchre.
EUPHAUSIACEANeuphausiacean n. Any small, shrimplike crustacean of the order Euphausiacea; a krill.
EUPHAUSIACEAN n. a member of the Euphausiidae or the Euphausiacea, shrimplike creatures.
LEPRECHAUNISHleprechaunish adj. Resembling or characteristic of a leprechaun.
LEPRECHAUNISH adj. like a leprechaun, a small supernatural creature in Irish folklore.
NYMPHAEACEOUSnymphaeaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Nymphaeaceae of water lilies.
NYMPHAEACEOUS adj. belonging to the Nymphaea family, waterlilies.
PAUNCHINESSESPAUNCHINESS n. the state of being paunchy.
PICTUREPHONESpicturephones n. Plural of picturephone.
PICTUREPHONE n. a device which allows speakers on the telephone to see each other.
PRESCHEDULINGprescheduling v. Present participle of preschedule.
PRESCHEDULE v. to schedule in advance.
PUCKISHNESSESPUCKISHNESS n. the state of being puckish.
PUNCHINELLOESPunchinelloes n. Plural of Punchinello.
PUNCHINELLO n. (Italian) a fat short humpbacked clown.
SPEECHFULNESSspeechfulness n. Quality of being speechful.
SPEECHFULNESS n. the state of being speechful.
TECHNOPRENEURtechnopreneur n. (Informal) An entrepreneur in the field of technology.
UNIMPEACHABLEunimpeachable adj. Not able to be impeached or reproached.
unimpeachable adj. Blameless.
unimpeachable adj. Beyond doubt.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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