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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing C, D, I, 2R and 2S

CARDSHARPINGSCARDSHARPING n. cheating by a professional cardsharp.
CODISCOVERERScodiscoverers n. Plural of codiscoverer.
CODISCOVERER n. a joint discoverer.
CREDITORSHIPScreditorships n. Plural of creditorship.
CREDITORSHIP n. the state of being a creditor.
CROSSBREEDINGcrossbreeding n. The process, or the result of crossbreeding.
crossbreeding v. Present participle of crossbreed.
cross-breeding v. Present participle of cross-breed.
DECARBONISERSDECARBONISER n. an apparatus or removing carbon, also DECARBONIZER.
DEMOCRATISERSdemocratisers n. Plural of democratiser.
DEMOCRATISER n. one who democratises, also DEMOCRATIZER.
DIRECTORSHIPSdirectorships n. Plural of directorship.
DIRECTORSHIP n. the office of director.
DISCOGRAPHERSdiscographers n. Plural of discographer.
DISCOGRAPHER n. a person who compiles discographies.
DISCORPORATESdiscorporates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of discorporate.
DISCORPORATE v. to deprive (a corporate body) of corporation.
DISCOVERTURESdiscovertures n. Plural of discoverture.
DISCOVERTURE n. the state of being discovert, not married.
INCROSSBREEDSINCROSSBREED v. to produce by crossing two inbred individuals of different breeds, also INCROSS.
MERCHANDISERSmerchandisers n. Plural of merchandiser.
MERCHANDISER n. one who sells merchandise, also MERCHANDIZER.
RECORDERSHIPSrecorderships n. Plural of recordership.
RECORDERSHIP n. the office of recorder.
REDISCOVERERSrediscoverers n. Plural of rediscoverer.
REDISCOVERER n. one who rediscovers.
REDISCOVERIESrediscoveries n. Plural of rediscovery.
REDISCOVERY n. the act of rediscovering.
SCLERODERMIASsclerodermias n. Plural of sclerodermia.
SCLERODERMIA n. hardness and contraction of the body's connective tissue in which the skin becomes thickened by substitution of fibrous tissue for subcutaneous fat.
SCRIEVEBOARDSscrieve␣boards n. Plural of scrieve board.
SCRIEVEBOARD n. a shipbuilder's drawing board, also SCRIVEBOARD.
SCRIMSHANDERSscrimshanders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of scrimshander.
SCRIMSHANDER v. to ornament, as shells, ivory, etc., by engraving, and (usually) rubbing pigments into the incised lines, also SCRIMSHANDY, SCRIMSHAW.
UNDERSCORINGSunderscorings n. Plural of underscoring.
UNDERSCORING n. the act of attributing too low a score to.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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