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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing C, D, E, M, R, T and Y

ADIATHERMANCYadiathermancy n. (Obsolete) A resistance to the flow of heat.
ADIATHERMANCY n. impermeability to radiant energy.
ADRENALECTOMYadrenalectomy n. (Surgery) The removal of one or both adrenal glands, usually advised for patients with tumours in those glands.
ADRENALECTOMY n. the surgical removal of the adrenal glands.
CIRCUMGYRATEDcircumgyrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of circumgyrate.
CIRCUMGYRATE v. to whirl or roll round.
COUNTERMELODYcountermelody n. (Music) a secondary or supplemental melody played simultaneously with the primary melody.
counter-melody n. Alternative form of countermelody.
counter␣melody n. Alternative form of countermelody.
DECLAMATORILYdeclamatorily adv. In a declamatory manner.
DECLAMATORY adv. in the manner of a declamation.
DERMATOPHYTICdermatophytic adj. Being or relating to a dermatophyte.
DERMATOPHYTIC adj. of or like a dermatophyte, a fungus parasitic on the skin.
DIAMETRICALLYdiametrically adv. Separated by a diameter, on exactly the opposite side.
diametrically adv. (Especially in the phrase diametrically opposed) Absolutely (in opposition).
DIAMETRICAL adv. pertaining to a diameter, also DIAMETRAL, DIAMETRIC.
DOCUMENTARILYdocumentarily adv. By means of documents.
DOCUMENTARY adv. serving to document.
HYDROMAGNETIChydromagnetic adj. Of or pertaining to hydromagnetics.
HYDROMAGNETIC adj. relating to hydromagnetics, a branch of mathematical physics dealing with interactions between an electricity-conducting fluid (such as an ionized gas) and a magnetic field.
HYDROMETRICALhydrometrical adj. Concerning or applying hydrometry.
HYDROMETRICAL adj. relating to measurement by hydrometer, also HYDROMETRIC.
INDETERMINACYindeterminacy n. The condition of being indeterminate.
INDETERMINACY n. the state of being indeterminate.
MEDICAMENTARYmedicamentary adj. Of or relating to medicament; medicinal.
MEDICAMENTARY adj. relating to medicaments, also MEDICAMENTAL.
MULTICYLINDERmulticylinder adj. Having or relating to more than one cylinder.
MULTICYLINDER adj. of an engine, having many cylinders.
MYOCARDITISESmyocarditises n. Plural of myocarditis.
MYOCARDITIS n. inflammation of the myocardium.
THERMODYNAMICthermodynamic adj. Of, or relating to the conversion of heat into other forms of energy.
thermodynamic adj. (Physics) Of, or relating to thermodynamics.
THERMODYNAMIC adj. of or relating to thermodynamics, also THERMODYNAMICAL.
THYROIDECTOMYthyroidectomy n. (Surgery) The surgical removal of part or all of the thyroid gland.
THYROIDECTOMY n. the surgical removal of the thyroid gland.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 95 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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