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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 2C, L, O, 2R and T

ACCELEROMETERaccelerometer n. An instrument for measuring acceleration.
accelerometer n. An instrument made for detecting and measuring vibrations.
ACCELEROMETER n. an instrument for measuring acceleration or vibrations.
ELECTROMETRICelectrometric adj. Of or pertaining to electrometry.
ELECTROMETRIC adj. relating to an electrometer, an instrument for measuring electrical potential, also ELECTROMETRICAL.
FERROELECTRICferroelectric adj. (Physics) of, or relating to the permanent electrical polarization of a crystalline dielectric in an electric field.
ferroelectric n. A ferroelectric material.
FERROELECTRIC adj. exhibiting electric polarization.
HIEROCRATICALhierocratical adj. Hierocratic.
HIEROCRATICAL adj. of or like a hierocracy, government by priests or religious ministers, also HIEROCRATIC.
HYDROELECTRIChydroelectric adj. That generates electricity by converting the energy of moving water, or of steam escaping under high pressure.
hydroelectric adj. Of or relating to the electricity so produced.
hydro-electric adj. Alternative form of hydroelectric.
INTERCORTICALintercortical adj. Between cortexes.
INTERCORTICAL adj. between cortices.
MICROCRYSTALSmicrocrystals n. Plural of microcrystal.
MICROCRYSTAL n. a microscopic crystal.
MICROCULTURALmicrocultural adj. Of or pertaining to a microculture.
MICROCULTURAL adj. relating to microculture.
MICROCULTURESmicrocultures n. Plural of microculture.
MICROCULTURE n. a microscopic culture of cells or organisms.
MICROMETRICALmicrometrical adj. Micrometric; relating to micrometry or a micrometer.
MICROMETRICAL adj. relating to micrometry, also MICROMETRIC.
MICROPARTICLEmicroparticle n. An extremely small particle.
MICROPARTICLE n. a very small particle.
PREELECTRONICpreelectronic adj. Before the introduction of electronics.
PROLOCUTRICESprolocutrices n. Plural of prolocutrix.
PROLOCUTRIX n. a spokesman, a chairwoman, esp. of the lower house of Convocation.
PYROELECTRICSpyroelectrics n. Plural of pyroelectric.
PYROELECTRIC n. a pyroelectric substance.
RECIPROCALITYreciprocality n. The quality or condition of being reciprocal.
RECIPROCALITY n. the state of being reciprocal.
RECIRCULATIONrecirculation n. The act or process of recirculating.
RECIRCULATION n. the act of recirculating.
TRIBOELECTRICtriboelectric adj. (Physics) Acquiring an electric charge via friction.
TRIBOELECTRIC adj. of electricity generated by friction.
TRICARBOXYLICtricarboxylic adj. (Organic chemistry) Having three carboxylic groups.
TRICARBOXYLIC adj. containing three carboxyl groups in the molecule.
TURBOELECTRICturboelectric adj. (Of a transmission in ships and locomotives) That uses electric generators to convert the mechanical…
TURBOELECTRIC adj. using or being a turbine generator that produces electricity usually for motive power.
UNCORRECTABLEuncorrectable adj. Unable to be corrected.
UNCORRECTABLE adj. not correctable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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