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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing 2C, 2I, N, R and V

CIRCUMVENTINGcircumventing v. Present participle of circumvent.
CIRCUMVENT v. to go round, to get round.
CIRCUMVENTIONcircumvention n. The act of evading or going around (bypassing).
circumvention n. The act of prevailing over another by fraud or deception.
CIRCUMVENTION n. the act of circumventing.
CIRCUMVENTIVEcircumventive adj. Evading or overcoming some protective measure.
CIRCUMVENTIVE adj. deceiving by artifices.
CIRCUMVOLVINGcircumvolving v. Present participle of circumvolve.
CIRCUMVOLVE v. to roll round.
CODISCOVERINGcodiscovering v. Present participle of codiscover.
CODISCOVER v. to discover jointly with another.
COMPROVINCIALcomprovincial adj. Being part of the same province.
comprovincial n. One who comes from the same province.
COMPROVINCIAL adj. belonging to the same province.
CONTRADICTIVEcontradictive adj. (Now rare) Contradictory.
CONTRADICTIVE adj. contradicting or tending to contradict.
INTERCLAVICLEinterclavicle n. (Anatomy) The episternum.
INTERCLAVICLE n. a membrane bone between and beneath the clavicles, present in some fossil amphibians, all reptiles except snakes, and monotremes.
MISCONCEIVERSmisconceivers n. Plural of misconceiver.
MISCONCEIVER n. one who misconceives.
PRECONCEIVINGpreconceiving v. Present participle of preconceive.
PRECONCEIVE v. to form (as an opinion) prior to actual knowledge or experience.
PRECONVICTIONpreconviction adj. Prior to conviction.
preconviction n. A prior conviction.
PRECONVICTION n. a preliminary conviction.
RECONVICTIONSreconvictions n. Plural of reconviction.
RECONVICTION n. a fresh conviction.
REVACCINATINGrevaccinating v. Present participle of revaccinate.
REVACCINATE v. to vaccinate again.
REVACCINATIONrevaccination n. A second or subsequent vaccination.
REVACCINATION n. the act of revaccinating.
REVIVISCENCESreviviscences n. Plural of reviviscence.
VICEGERENCIESvicegerencies n. Plural of vicegerency.
VICEGERENCY n. the office of viceregent.
VIRIDESCENCESviridescences n. Plural of viridescence.
VIRIDESCENCE n. turning green.
VIRILESCENCESVIRILESCENCE n. development of male character in the female.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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