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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 2C, H, L, P, R and T

CEPHALOMETRICcephalometric adj. Relating to cephalometrics.
CEPHALOMETRIC adj. relating to cephalometry.
CHALCOPYRITESchalcopyrites n. Plural of chalcopyrite.
CHALCOPYRITE n. copper pyrites, a yellow double sulphide of copper and iron.
CHLOROPLASTICchloroplastic adj. Of or pertaining to a chloroplast.
chloroplastic adj. Containing chloroplasts.
CHLOROPLASTIC adj. of or like a chloroplast, also CHLOROPLASTAL.
COLLECTORSHIPcollectorship n. The rank or office of a collector of customs or other taxes.
COLLECTORSHIP n. the office of collector.
ELECTROPHILICelectrophilic adj. (Chemistry) of, or relating to an electrophile; electron deficient.
ELECTROPHILIC adj. having an affinity for electrons.
ELECTROPHONICelectrophonic adj. Relating to electronic equipment to produce sound (this adjectival sense is not comparable).
electrophonic adj. Resembling in sound that produced by such equipment.
ELECTROPHONIC adj. of or like an electrophone.
HYPERCRITICALhypercritical adj. Meticulously or excessively critical.
HYPERCRITICAL adj. meticulously or excessively critical.
ORTHOCEPHALICorthocephalic adj. Normocephalic.
ORTHOCEPHALIC adj. having a skull whose breadth is between 70 and 75 per cent of its length, also ORTHOCEPHALOUS.
PETROCHEMICALpetrochemical n. (Chemistry) Any compound derived from petroleum or natural gas.
petrochemical adj. Of or pertaining to the such compounds, or the industry that produces them.
PETROCHEMICAL adj. of or relating to chemicals obtained from petroleum.
PHALLOCENTRICphallocentric adj. Focused on the phallus, especially as a symbol of male dominance; characterised by male attitudes, focused on men.
PHALLOCENTRIC adj. centered on or emphasizing the masculine point of view.
PHOTOELECTRICphotoelectric adj. Of or relating to the electric effects of electromagnetic radiation, especially the ejection of an electron…
PHOTOELECTRIC adj. relating to photoelectricity, also PHOTOELECTRICAL.
PHYLACTERICALphylacterical adj. Phylacteric.
PHYLACTERICAL adj. of or like a phylactery, a slip of parchment inscribed with certain passages of Scripture, worn in a box on the left arm or forehead by Jewish men, also PHYLACTERIC.
POLYCHROMATICpolychromatic adj. Showing a variety, or a change, of colours; having many colours; multicoloured.
polychromatic adj. (Physics, of electromagnetic radiation) Composed of more than one wavelength.
POLYCHROMATIC adj. showing a variety or a change of colors.
PROPHYLACTICSprophylactics n. Plural of prophylactic.
PROPHYLACTIC n. something (a drug or device) that protects from disease.
PSYCHIATRICALpsychiatrical adj. Synonym of psychiatric.
PSYCHIATRICAL adj. relating to psychiatry, also PSYCHIATRIC.
PYROCATECHOLSpyrocatechols n. Plural of pyrocatechol.
PYROCATECHOL n. another name for catechol, also PYROCATECHIN.
PYROTECHNICALpyrotechnical adj. Of or pertaining to pyrotechnics.
pyrotechnical adj. Resembling fireworks.
PYROTECHNICAL adj. relating to pyrotechnics, the art of making fireworks, also PYROTECHNIC.
SCRATCHPLATESscratchplates n. Plural of scratchplate.
SCRATCHPLATE n. a plastic or metal plate attached to the front of a guitar to protect it from pick scratches.
TROPHALLACTICtrophallactic adj. Relating to trophallaxis.
TROPHALLACTIC adj. relating to trophallaxis, mutual exchange of nutriment in symbiosis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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