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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 2C, E, H, N, P and S

BRONCHOSCOPESbronchoscopes n. Plural of bronchoscope.
BRONCHOSCOPE n. an instrument for examining the windpipe.
CHIMNEYPIECESchimneypieces n. Plural of chimneypiece.
CHIMNEYPIECE n. an ornamental construction over and around a fireplace that includes the mantel.
COCHAIRPERSONcochairperson n. A joint chairperson.
COCHAIRPERSON n. a joint chairmen or chairwoman.
HAPPENCHANCEShappenchances n. Plural of happenchance.
HAPPENCHANCE n. a circumstance esp. that is due to chance, also HAPPENSTANCE.
MESENCEPHALICmesencephalic adj. Of or pertaining to the mesencephalon.
MESENCEPHALIC adj. relating to the midbrain.
NECROPHILIACSnecrophiliacs n. Plural of necrophiliac.
NECROPHILIAC n. one who practises necrophilia.
PANTECHNICONSpantechnicons n. Plural of pantechnicon.
PANTECHNICON n. a usually enclosed wagon or motortruck used for transportation of goods or animals.
PHYSICIANCIESphysiciancies n. Plural of physiciancy.
PHYSICIANCY n. the post or office of physician.
PSYCHASTHENICpsychasthenic adj. Affected with, or relating to, psychasthenia.
psychasthenic n. An individual who has psychasthenia.
PSYCHASTHENIC adj. relating to psychasthenia.
PSYCHOGENETICpsychogenetic adj. Of or pertaining to psychogenesis.
PSYCHOGENETIC adj. relating to psychogenesis, the origin and development of the mind, also PSYCHOGENETICAL.
PSYCHOKINETICpsychokinetic adj. Of or relating to psychokinesis.
psychokinetic n. A person having the paranormal ability of psychokinesis.
PSYCHOKINETIC adj. relating to psychokinesis.
PYROCATECHINSpyrocatechins n. Plural of pyrocatechin.
PYROCATECHIN n. another name for catechol, also PYROCATECHOL.
SCHIZOPHRENICschizophrenic adj. Of or relating to schizophrenia.
schizophrenic adj. (Of a person) Afflicted with schizophrenia; having difficulty with perception of reality.
schizophrenic adj. (Informal, deprecated) Exhibiting more than one personality; having a wildly changeable personality.
SPELLCHECKINGspellchecking v. Present participle of spellcheck.
spell-checking v. Present participle of spell-check.
spell␣checking v. Present participle of spell check.
SPLANCHNOCELEsplanchnocele n. A visceral cavity.
SPLANCHNOCELE n. a hernia of any of the abdominal viscera.
SUCCENTORSHIPSUCCENTORSHIP n. the office of succentor.
SYNCHROSCOPESsynchroscopes n. Plural of synchroscope.
SYNCHROSCOPE n. an instrument for detecting whether two moving parts are synchronized.
TECHNOPHOBICSTECHNOPHOBIC n. one suffering from technophobia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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