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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing C, 3O, 2R and S

CHROMOPHORESchromophores n. Plural of chromophore.
CHROMOPHORE n. the group of atoms in a chemical compound responsible for its colour.
CHRONOLOGERSchronologers n. Plural of chronologer.
CHRONOLOGER n. an expert in chronology, also CHRONOLOGIST.
COORDINATORScoordinators n. Plural of coordinator.
coördinators n. Plural of coördinator.
co-ordinators n. Plural of co-ordinator.
COPROCESSORScoprocessors n. Plural of coprocessor.
co-processors n. Plural of co-processor.
COPROCESSOR n. a microprocessor supplementing the functions of a main processor.
COPROSTEROLSCOPROSTEROL n. a compound formed from cholesterol in the intestine.
CORONOGRAPHScoronographs n. Plural of coronograph.
CORONOGRAPH n. a special telescope used to observe prominences and the corona around the edge of the sun.
CORPORATIONScorporations n. Plural of corporation.
CORPORATION n. a body corporate legally authorized to act as a single individual.
CORROBORATEScorroborates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of corroborate.
CORROBORATE v. to support with evidence or authority.
DOORKNOCKERSdoorknockers n. Plural of doorknocker.
door␣knockers n. Plural of door knocker.
DOORKNOCKER n. a knocker on a door.
MICROGROOVESmicrogrooves n. Plural of microgroove.
MICROGROOVE n. the fine groove of long-playing gramophone records.
MICROSPOROUSmicrosporous adj. Relating to microspores.
MICROSPOROUS adj. of or like a microspore, also MICROSPORIC.
NECROPHOROUSnecrophorous adj. (Zoology) Carrying away and burying dead bodies, like the beetles of the genus Necrophorus.
NECROPHOROUS adj. carrying away and burying dead bodies, as do burying beetles.
NONCORROSIVEnoncorrosive adj. That does not cause corrosion.
NONCORROSIVE adj. not corrosive.
NONCROSSOVERnoncrossover adj. (Genetics) Not involving crossover.
NONCROSSOVER n. a chromosome that has not crossed over during meiosis.
ORTHODROMICSorthodromics n. Orthodromic navigation.
ORTHODROMICS n. the act or art of sailing on a great circle, also ORTHODROMY.
OVERCONTROLSovercontrols v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overcontrol.
OVERCONTROL v. to control excessively.
POSTCORONARYpostcoronary adj. After coronary thrombosis.
POSTCORONARY adj. taking place after a coronary.
SERVOCONTROLservocontrol n. A control that uses a servomechanism.
SERVOCONTROL n. in aircraft, a reinforcing mechanism for the pilot's effort, usually a small auxiliary aerofoil.
TROCHOPHOREStrochophores n. Plural of trochophore.
TROCHOPHORE n. a free-swimming pelagic form of many invertebrates, also TROCHOSPHERE.
VISCEROMOTORvisceromotor adj. Relating to or controlling movement in the viscera, noting the sympathetic nerves innervating the viscera…
VISCEROMOTOR adj. relating to or controlling movements of the viscera.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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