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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing C, 2N, 3O and S

APOLLONICONSapollonicons n. Plural of apollonicon.
APOLLONICON n. a gigantic barrel organ, partly automatic.
COLONISATIONcolonisation n. Alternative spelling of colonization.
COLONISATION n. the act of colonising, also COLONIZATION.
CONDONATIONScondonations n. Plural of condonation.
CONDONATION n. implied pardon of an offense by treating the offender as if it had not been committed.
CONNOTATIONSconnotations n. Plural of connotation.
CONNOTATION n. the act of connoting.
CONSOCIATIONconsociation n. (Uncountable) Associating, or coming together in a union; (countable) an instance of this.
consociation n. (Uncountable) Intimate companionship or fellowship; (countable) an instance of this.
consociation n. (Countable, Christianity) A confederation of Christian churches or organizations.
CONSOLATIONSconsolations n. Plural of consolation.
CONSOLATION n. the act or an instance of consoling.
CONVOCATIONSconvocations n. Plural of convocation.
CONVOCATION n. an assembly of persons convoked.
CONVOLUTIONSconvolutions n. Plural of convolution.
CONVOLUTION n. a form or shape that is folded in curved or tortuous windings.
COSPONSORINGcosponsoring v. Present participle of cosponsor.
co-sponsoring v. Present participle of co-sponsor.
COSPONSOR v. to sponsor jointly.
NITROCOTTONSNITROCOTTON n. guncotton, an explosive made from cotton soaked in nitric and sulphuric acids.
NONCLASSROOMnonclassroom adj. Not of or pertaining to a classroom.
nonclassroom n. A place that is not a classroom.
NONCLASSROOM adj. not classroom.
NONCOLORFASTnoncolorfast adj. Not colorfast.
NONCOLORFAST adj. not colorfast, also NONCOLOURFAST.
NONCOMPOSERSnoncomposers n. Plural of noncomposer.
NONCOMPOSER n. one who is not a composer.
NONCOMPOUNDSnoncompounds n. Plural of noncompound.
NONCONSCIOUSnonconscious adj. Not conscious.
NONCONSCIOUS adj. not conscious.
NONCORROSIVEnoncorrosive adj. That does not cause corrosion.
NONCORROSIVE adj. not corrosive.
NONCROSSOVERnoncrossover adj. (Genetics) Not involving crossover.
NONCROSSOVER n. a chromosome that has not crossed over during meiosis.
NONECONOMISTnoneconomist n. One who is not an economist.
NONECONOMIST n. one who is not an economist.
ONOMASTICONSonomasticons n. Plural of onomasticon.
ONOMASTICON n. a dictionary of names, esp. personal names or place names.
PYCNOGONOIDSpycnogonoids n. Plural of pycnogonoid.
PYCNOGONOID n. a sea-spider, also PYCNOGONID.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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