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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing C, 2L, 2R, S and T

CATERPILLARScaterpillars n. Plural of caterpillar.
CATERPILLAR n. the elongated wormlike larva of a butterfly or moth.
COMPTROLLERScomptrollers n. Plural of comptroller.
COMPTROLLER n. a royal household official who examines and supervises expenditures.
CRYSTALLISERcrystalliser n. Alternative form of crystallizer.
CRYSTALLISER n. an agent that causes crystallisation, also CRYSTALISER, CRYSTALIZER, CRYSTALLIZER.
CRYSTALLIZERcrystallizer n. (Chemistry) The chemical engineering vessel in which the crystallization of a solution takes place.
crystallizer n. Any substance that crystallizes.
CRYSTALLIZER n. an agent that causes crystallisation, also CRYSTALIZER, CRYSTALLISER, CRYSTALLISER.
ELECTROLIERSelectroliers n. Plural of electrolier.
ELECTROLIER n. a chandelier for electric lamps.
ELECTROLYSERelectrolyser n. Alternative form of electrolyzer.
ELECTROLYSER n. something that electrolyses.
ORCHESTRALLYorchestrally adv. In an orchestral manner.
ORCHESTRAL adv. relating to or composed for an orchestra, also ORCHESTRIC.
SCRIPTURALLYscripturally adv. According to scripture.
SCRIPTURAL adv. relating to scripture.
SERICULTURALsericultural adj. Pertaining to sericulture.
SERICULTURAL adj. relating to sericulture.
STRUCTURALLYstructurally adv. In terms of structure.
STRUCTURAL adv. relating to structure.
TRACKERBALLStrackerballs n. Plural of trackerball.
TRACKERBALL n. a spherical ball that can be rotated with the palm of the hand causing the cursor to move around the screen, also TRACKBALL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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