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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing C, I, M, N, S and 2U

BUCKJUMPINGSBUCKJUMPING n. (Australian) a competitive event for buckjumpers in a rodeo.
CALUMNIOUSLYcalumniously adv. In the manner of a falsification intended to discredit another.
CALUMNIOUS adv. containing or implying calumny; as, calumnious reports.
CIRCUMFUSINGcircumfusing v. Present participle of circumfuse.
CIRCUMFUSE v. to pour around or about.
CIRCUMFUSIONcircumfusion n. Diffusion, suffusion.
CIRCUMFUSION n. the act of circumfusing, pouring around.
COMPUNCTIOUScompunctious adj. Exhibiting compunctions, scruples, feelings of guilt.
COMPUNCTIOUS adj. arising from remorse or regret.
CONTUMACIOUScontumacious adj. Contemptuous of authority; willfully disobedient; rebellious.
contumacious adj. (Law) Willfully disobedient to the summons or orders of a court.
CONTUMACIOUS adj. stubbornly disobedient, rebellious.
CONTUMELIOUScontumelious adj. (Archaic, literary) Rudely contemptuous; showing contumely; exhibiting an insolent or disdainful attitude.
CONTUMELIOUS adj. haughtily insolent.
CUMULONIMBUScumulonimbus n. (Meteorology) A cloud, with a tall structure and a flat base, that is often associated with thunderstorms.
cumulo-nimbus n. Alternative form of cumulonimbus.
CUMULONIMBUS n. a type of cloud.
EUNUCHOIDISMeunuchoidism n. A syndrome in males with a lack of sex characteristics due to lack of proper male sex hormones.
EUNUCHOIDISM n. a condition in which there is a deficiency of sexual development and in which certain female sex characteristics are often present.
MICRONUCLEUSmicronucleus n. (Biology) A small nucleus.
micronucleus n. (Biology) The smaller of the nuclei of a ciliate protozoan (that contains genetic material).
MICRONUCLEUS n. a minute nucleus.
MISPUNCTUATEmispunctuate v. To punctuate incorrectly.
MISPUNCTUATE v. to punctuate wrongly.
MUCILAGINOUSmucilaginous adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling mucus; slimy and viscous.
MUCILAGINOUS adj. sticky, viscid.
MULTICOLUMNSSorry, definition not available.
MUSCULATIONSmusculations n. Plural of musculation.
MUSCULATION n. muscular action; musculature.
RAMBUNCTIOUSrambunctious adj. (Chiefly US, informal) Boisterous, energetic, noisy, and difficult to control.
RAMBUNCTIOUS adj. marked by uncontrollable exuberance, unruly, also RUMBUNCTIOUS.
RUMBUNCTIOUSrumbunctious adj. Alternative spelling of rambunctious.
RUMBUNCTIOUS adj. boisterous, unruly, also RAMBUNCTIOUS.
SUBCOMMUNITYsubcommunity n. A community that exists as part of a larger community.
SUBCOMMUNITY n. a distinct grouping within a community.
UNMIRACULOUSunmiraculous adj. Not miraculous; commonplace, mundane.
UNMIRACULOUS adj. not miraculous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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