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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing C, 2I, N, S and 2U

CIRCUMFUSINGcircumfusing v. Present participle of circumfuse.
CIRCUMFUSE v. to pour around or about.
CIRCUMFUSIONcircumfusion n. Diffusion, suffusion.
CIRCUMFUSION n. the act of circumfusing, pouring around.
CUNNILINCTUScunnilinctus n. Rare form of cunnilingus.
CUNNILINCTUS n. oral stimulation of clitoris or vulva, also CUNNILINGUS.
EUNUCHOIDISMeunuchoidism n. A syndrome in males with a lack of sex characteristics due to lack of proper male sex hormones.
EUNUCHOIDISM n. a condition in which there is a deficiency of sexual development and in which certain female sex characteristics are often present.
INAUSPICIOUSinauspicious adj. Not auspicious; ill-omened.
INAUSPICIOUS adj. not auspicious.
INCAUTIOUSLYincautiously adv. In an incautious manner; with a lack of caution.
INCAUTIOUS adv. lacking in caution.
INCONTIGUOUSincontiguous adj. Not contiguous; separate.
INCONTIGUOUS adj. not contiguous.
INCUNABULISTincunabulist n. Someone interested in the field of incunabula.
INCUNABULIST n. a student of incunabula.
LUXURIANCIESluxuriancies n. Plural of luxuriancy.
LUXURIANCY n. the state of being luxuriant, also LUXURIANCE.
MUCILAGINOUSmucilaginous adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling mucus; slimy and viscous.
MUCILAGINOUS adj. sticky, viscid.
SIPUNCULOIDSsipunculoids n. Plural of sipunculoid.
SIPUNCULOID n. a kind of marine worm with a retractile proboscis, also SIPUNCULID.
TURBINACIOUSTURBINACIOUS adj. (Scott) of the smell of whiskey, peaty.
UNAUSPICIOUSunauspicious adj. Inauspicious.
UNAUSPICIOUS adj. (Shakespeare) inauspicious.
UNCTUOSITIESunctuosities n. Plural of unctuosity.
UNCTUOSITY n. the state of being unctuous.
UNPUBLICISEDunpublicised adj. Alternative spelling of unpublicized.
UNPUBLICISED adj. not publicised, also UNPUBLICIZED.
UNSOLICITOUSunsolicitous adj. Not solicitous.
UNSOLICITOUS adj. not solicitous.
UNSUFFICIENTunsufficient adj. (Uncommon) Synonym of insufficient.
UNSUFFICIENT adj. (obsolete) insufficient, also INSUFFICIENT.
UNSUSPICIONSUNSUSPICION n. a lack of suspicion.
UNSUSPICIOUSunsuspicious adj. Not suspicious; not suspecting, unaware (of something).
unsuspicious adj. Not arousing suspicion.
UNSUSPICIOUS adj. not suspicious.
VINICULTURESvinicultures n. Plural of viniculture.
VINICULTURE n. vine-growing, also VITICULTURE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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