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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing C, 3I, R, S and V

BIOPRIVACIESBIOPRIVACY n. the state of freedom from others having unauthorized access to biometric data about oneself.
CERVICITISESCERVICITIS n. inflammation of the cervix.
CLAVIERISTICclavieristic adj. Characteristic of clavier music.
CLAVIERISTIC adj. relating to a clavierist, one who plays the pianoforte.
COERCIVITIEScoercivities n. Plural of coercivity.
COERCIVITY n. the quality of being coercive.
CREATIVITIEScreativities n. Plural of creativity.
CREATIVITY n. the quality of being creative.
DISPRIVACIEDdisprivacied adj. (Poetic, rare) Deprived of privacy.
DISPRIVACIED adj. deprived of privacy.
INVARIANCIESINVARIANCY n. the state of being invariant, also INVARIANCE.
INVERACITIESinveracities n. Plural of inveracity.
INVERACITY n. want of veracity.
JURISDICTIVEjurisdictive adj. Jurisdictional.
JURISDICTIVE adj. relating to jurisdiction, also JURISDICTIONAL.
PROCLIVITIESproclivities n. Plural of proclivity.
PROCLIVITY n. an inclination or predisposition toward something.
REACTIVITIESreactivities n. Plural of reactivity.
REACTIVITY n. the state of being reactive.
RECIDIVISTICrecidivistic adj. Being a recidivist; inclined to revert to previous behaviours.
RECIDIVISTIC adj. relating to recidivism.
RELATIVISTICrelativistic adj. (Physics) Of or relating to relativity.
relativistic adj. (Physics) At or near the speed of light.
relativistic adj. (Philosophy) Of or relating to relativism.
REVICTIMIZESrevictimizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of revictimize.
REVIVALISTICrevivalistic adj. Revivalist.
REVIVALISTIC adj. relating to revivalism, the spirit or methods characteristic of religious revivals.
VARICOSITIESvaricosities n. Plural of varicosity.
VARICOSITY n. the state of being varicose.
VINCRISTINESvincristines n. Plural of vincristine.
VINCRISTINE n. a cytotoxic alkaloid obtained from the Madagascar periwinkle and used to treat acute leukaemia and other cancers.
VINIFICATORSvinificators n. Plural of vinificator.
VINIFICATOR n. a condensing device that collects the alcoholic vapour produced by the fermentation.
VIVISECTORIAvivisectoria n. Plural of vivisectorium.
VIVISECTORIUM n. a place for vivisection.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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