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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing C, 3I, 2N and Z

CHLORINIZINGchlorinizing v. Present participle of chlorinize.
CHLORINIZE v. to chlorinate, also CHLORINISE.
CINCHONIZINGcinchonizing v. Present participle of cinchonize.
CINCHONIZE v. to treat with cinchona or quinine, also CINCHONISE.
CINEMATIZINGcinematizing v. Present participle of cinematize.
CINEMATIZE v. to produce for the cinema, also CINEMATISE.
CINNARIZINESCINNARIZINE n. a generic antihistamine drug used to relieve nausea and travel sickness.
CITIZENISINGcitizenising v. Present participle of citizenise.
CITIZENISE v. to make a citizen of, also CITIZENIZE.
CITIZENIZINGcitizenizing v. Present participle of citizenize.
CITIZENIZE v. to make a citizen of, also CITIZENISE.
CUTINIZATIONcutinization n. (Botany) The conversion of cell walls into a material that repels water, as in cork.
CUTINIZATION n. the formation of cutin, also CUTINISATION.
FANATICIZINGfanaticizing v. Present participle of fanaticize.
FANATICIZE v. to make fanatical, also FANATICISE.
FICTIONIZINGfictionizing v. Present participle of fictionize.
FICTIONIZE v. to make fictional, also FICTIONISE.
GRECIANIZINGgrecianizing v. Present participle of grecianize.
Grecianizing v. Present participle of Grecianize.
GRECIANIZE v. to conform to the Greek custom, esp. in speech, also GRECIANISE.
INCENTIVIZEDincentivized v. Simple past tense and past participle of incentivize.
INCENTIVIZE v. to give an incentive, also INCENTIVISE.
INCENTIVIZESincentivizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of incentivize.
INCENTIVIZE v. to give an incentive, also INCENTIVISE.
NAZIFICATIONNazification n. The act or process of Nazifying.
NAZIFICATION n. the act of making Nazi.
SCRUTINIZINGscrutinizing v. Present participle of scrutinize.
SCRUTINIZE v. to examine closely and minutely, also SCRUTINISE.
SECTIONIZINGsectionizing v. Present participle of sectionize.
SECTIONIZE v. to section; to cut sections of, also SECTIONISE.
TECHNICIZINGTECHNICIZE v. to render technical or technological, also TECHNICISE.
TRICHINIZINGtrichinizing v. Present participle of trichinize.
TRICHINIZE v. to infest with trichinae, a small, slender nematoid worm, also TRICHINISE, TRICHINOSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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