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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing C, H, O, P, S, T and U

ANTHOCARPOUSanthocarpous adj. (Botany) Having some portion of the floral envelopes attached to the pericarp to form the fruit.
ANTHOCARPOUS adj. of or like an anthocarp, a fruit resulting from many flowers, such as a pineapple.
CHAPTERHOUSEchapterhouse n. Alternative spelling of chapter house.
chapter-house n. Alternative spelling of chapter house.
chapter␣house n. A building attached to a cathedral, church, or monastery and used as a meeting place.
CHIROPTEROUSCHIROPTEROUS adj. relating to the Chiroptera, bats.
COAUTHORSHIPcoauthorship n. Joint authorship by two or more authors.
COAUTHORSHIP n. the role of coauthor.
CURATORSHIPScuratorships n. Plural of curatorship.
CURATORSHIP n. the office of curator.
EXECUTORSHIPexecutorship n. The office or position of an executor.
EXECUTORSHIP n. the office of executor.
HYPOCOTYLOUSHYPOCOTYLOUS adj. of or like a hypocotyl, the stem of a plant below the cotyledons.
PARASTICHOUSPARASTICHOUS adj. characterised by parastichy, i.e. having a secondary helix joining leaf-bases on an axis.
PERITRICHOUSperitrichous adj. (Biology) Having flagella around the body or around the mouth.
PERITRICHOUS adj. having flagella uniformly distributed over the body.
PHOSPHATURICphosphaturic adj. (Pathology) Relating to phosphaturia.
PHOSPHATURIC adj. relating to phosphaturia, the excessive discharge of phosphates in the urine.
PHOTOREDUCESphotoreduces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of photoreduce.
PHOTOREDUCE v. to photocopy with reduction of the image.
POLYCHAETOUSpolychaetous adj. Relating to polychaetes.
POLYCHAETOUS adj. of or like a polychaete, a type of aquatic worm, also POLYCHETOUS.
POLYSTICHOUSpolystichous adj. (Botany) arranged in several rows or series.
POLYSTICHOUS adj. arranged in many rows.
SCATOPHAGOUSscatophagous adj. Synonym of coprophagous: typified by consuming shit or other excrement.
SCATOPHAGOUS adj. habitually feeding on dung, coprophagous.
STOCKPUNISHTSTOCKPUNISHT adj. (Shakespeare) punished by being put in the stocks.
THEOPNEUSTICtheopneustic adj. Divinely inspired.
THEOPNEUSTIC adj. divinely inspired, also THEOPNEUST.
TRICEPHALOUStricephalous adj. Having three heads.
TRICEPHALOUS adj. having three heads.
URETHROSCOPEurethroscope n. An instrument for examining the interior of the urethra.
URETHROSCOPE n. an instrument for viewing the interior of the urethra.
URETHROSCOPYurethroscopy n. (Medicine) Examination of the interior of the urethra.
URETHROSCOPY n. medical examination of the urethra.
VISCOUNTSHIPviscountship n. The role or status of viscount.
VISCOUNTSHIP n. the office of viscount.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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