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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing C, F, 2I, L, R and U

CALIFORNIUMSCALIFORNIUM n. a synthetic element produced in trace quantities by helium isotope bombardment of curium.
CAULIFLORIESCAULIFLORY n. the production of flowers on old stems from dormant buds.
CIRCUMFUSILEcircumfusile adj. (Nonce word) Capable of being poured or spread around.
CIRCUMFUSILE adj. molten; poured around or about.
CURVIFOLIATEcurvifoliate adj. Having curved leaves.
CURVIFOLIATE adj. having curved leaves.
FLUORIMETRICfluorimetric adj. Alternative form of fluorometric.
FLUORIMETRIC adj. relating to fluorometry.
LATICIFEROUSlaticiferous adj. (Botany) Containing latex; applied to the tissue or tubular vessels in which the latex of the plant is found.
LATICIFEROUS adj. containing or conveying latex.
LUMBRICIFORMlumbriciform adj. (Zoology) Resembling an earthworm; vermiform.
LUMBRICIFORM adj. shaped like a worm.
QUALIFICATORqualificator n. An officer who examines and prepares causes for trial in the ecclesiastical courts.
QUALIFICATOR n. one who prepares ecclesiastical cases for trial.
SILICIFEROUSsiliciferous adj. Yielding or bearing silica.
SILICIFEROUS adj. bearing or containing silica.
SUPERFICIALSsuperficials n. Plural of superficial.
SUPERFICIAL n. that which is superficial.
THIOSULFURICthiosulfuric adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Of or pertaining to thiosulfuric acid or its derivatives.
THIOSULFURIC adj. as in thiosulfuric acid, an unstable acid known only in solutions and in the form of its salts.
UNARTIFICIALunartificial adj. Not artificial.
UNARTIFICIAL adj. not artificial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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