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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing C, E, L, 2N, P and R

COUNTERPLANScounterplans n. Plural of counterplan.
COUNTERPLAN v. to form a plan designed to counter another plan.
NANOPARTICLEnanoparticle n. Any microscopic particle less than about 100 nanometers (nm) in diameter.
NANOPARTICLE n. a particle with dimensions of about 5-40 nanometres.
NONEMPIRICALnonempirical adj. Not based on any empirical evidence; faith-driven.
nonempirical adj. (Sciences) Not relying directly on data; theory-driven.
non-empirical adj. Alternative spelling of nonempirical.
NONSPHERICALnonspherical adj. Not spherical.
NONSPHERICAL adj. not spherical.
PRECANCELINGprecanceling v. Present participle of precancel.
PRECANCEL v. to cancel in advance.
PRELAUNCHINGPRELAUNCH v. to launch in advance.
PRELUNCHEONSPRELUNCHEON n. a light meal before lunch.
PRINCELINESSprinceliness n. The quality or state of being princely.
PRINCELINESS n. the state of being princely.
PRONOUNCEDLYpronouncedly adv. In a pronounced manner; markedly, distinctively.
PRONOUNCED adv. strongly marked; unequivocal.
RESPLENDENCEresplendence n. The property of being, or that which causes something to be, resplendent.
RESPLENDENCE n. the state of being resplendent, also RESPLENDENCY.
RESPLENDENCYresplendency n. Resplendence, radiant beauty.
resplendency n. (Mathematics) A property of the truth of sentence structures in Peano arithmetic.
RESPLENDENCY n. the state of being resplendent, also RESPLENDENCE.
UNPRINCIPLEDunprincipled adj. Lacking moral values.
UNPRINCIPLED adj. lacking moral principles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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