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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing C, 2E, G, 2L and O

COLLAGENASEScollagenases n. Plural of collagenase.
COLLAGENASE n. any of a group of proteolytic enzymes that decompose collagen and gelatin.
COLLEGIANERScollegianers n. Plural of collegianer.
COLLEGIANER n. a member or inhabitant of a college, also COLLEGIAN.
COLLEGIATELYcollegiately adv. In the manner of a community or of a group of colleagues.
collegiately adv. In the manner of an undergraduate institution of higher education.
COLLEGIATE adv. relating to a college.
DECOLLETAGESdecolletages n. Plural of decolletage.
décolletages n. Plural of décolletage.
DECOLLETAGE n. (French) the low-cut neckline of a woman's garment.
ECCLESIOLOGYecclesiology n. The branch of theology concerned with the doctrines, role etc. of a church.
ecclesiology n. The science of building and decorating churches.
ECCLESIOLOGY n. the study of church ornamentation and architecture.
ENSORCELLINGensorcelling v. Present participle of ensorcell.
ENSORCEL v. to bewitch, also ENSORCELL.
GENEALOGICALgenealogical adj. Of or relating to genealogy.
genealogical adj. (Systematics) Of the relationships among individuals within a species.
genealogical adj. (Linguistics) Genetic (based on shared membership in a linguistic family).
GEODETICALLYgeodetically adv. With regard to geodesy.
GEODETICAL adv. of or pertaining to geodesy, also GEODESICAL, GEODETIC.
GLOCKENSPIELglockenspiel n. (Music) A musical instrument of the percussion idiophone family of instruments; like the xylophone…
GLOCKENSPIEL n. (German) a musical instrument, a set of bells.
LEXICOLOGIESlexicologies n. Plural of lexicology.
LEXICOLOGY n. the study of words and their meanings.
MEREOLOGICALmereological adj. (Philosophy, logic) Of or pertaining to mereology, a collection of axiomatic first-order theories dealing…
MEREOLOGICAL adj. related to mereology, the formal study of the logical properties of the relation between part and whole.
METALLOGENICmetallogenic adj. Of or pertaining to metallogeny.
metallogenic adj. (Geology) Occurring in an ore as a native metal rather than as a compound such as silicate, carbonate etc.
METALLOGENIC adj. of an element, occurring as an ore or a naturally occurring metal, as opposed to in rocks.
PALEOECOLOGYpaleoecology n. The ecology of the ancient past and of extinct organisms.
PALEOECOLOGY n. a branch of ecology that is concerned with the characteristics of ancient environments and with their relationships to ancient plants and animals.
RECOLLECTINGrecollecting v. Present participle of recollect.
RECOLLECT v. to remember.
TELEOLOGICALteleological adj. Of or pertaining to teleology; showing evidence of design or purpose.
TELEOLOGICAL adj. exhibiting or relating to design or purpose esp. in nature, also TELEOLOGIC.
VITELLOGENICvitellogenic adj. Relating to vitellogenesis.
VITELLOGENIC adj. producing or stimulating the formation of yolk.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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